HeartBeets is a high-dose supplement that contains beet extract and 12 more natural ingredients. It offers a host of health benefits, including increasing nitric oxide production, regulating blood pressure, increasing blood flow, improving circulation, supporting blood vessel health, and generally promoting a healthy cardiovascular system.

Due to its ability to increase nitric oxide, which results in better blood flow and more oxygen and nutrients reaching vital organs, HeartBeets can also improve cognitive function, athletic performance, muscle growth and recovery, and potentially provide relief for anyone suffering from erectile dysfunction.

HeartBeets is a new supplement and comes as a welcome addition to the array of nitric oxide, blood pressure, and blood flow supplements currently available, most of which are either under-dosed or lack the best, most effective ingredients.

HeartBeets stands out for its extensive formula featuring 13 natural ingredients at effective doses. Every ingredient in HeartBeets has been scientifically proven to support one of the variety of health benefits that HeartBeets claims to offer. What’s more, they are almost all included at doses that are proven to work. The only exception is a couple of ingredients that have been put into a proprietary blend, which means it is impossible to know the exact doses used. That said, since the overall blend is 910mg, there is a good chance all three ingredients are actually optimally dosed.

Along with its extensive and comprehensive formula, HeartBeets offers the quality guarantee of being made in the USA in certified facilities that are regulated by the FDA.

In short, HeartBeets is the best supplement of its kind, offering real benefits in terms of heart health, blood pressure, blood flow, circulation, blood vessel health, physical performance, and overall cardiovascular function. HeartBeets uses optimal doses and quality ingredients to deliver health benefits based on scientific research and testing.  

HeartBeets Reviews By Customers

 Since HeartBeets is a fairly new supplement that is only available via the manufacturer’s website, there are not a lot of customer reviews to go by. However, the ones we found suggest HeartBeets is everything it claims to be.

Customers claimed to have improved their blood pressure and to have overcome issues related to poor circulation thanks to using HeartBeets.

However, we would like to see more reviews before concluding that these reports can be generalised to everyone who uses HeartBeets.

HeartBeets Formula 

Vitamin C

Amount: 250mg

Optimal Dosage: Recommended doses are 65-90mg per day, however, research shows that for increasing nitric oxide production and reducing oxidative stress higher amounts are more beneficial.

Analysis: HeartBeets contains an effective dose of vitamin C that can stimulate the production and movement of nitric oxide and reduce oxidative stress.

2. Folate

Amount: 2,500mcg

Optimal Dosage: Doses over 1,000mcg have proven to be effective at reducing blood pressure. Supplements with doses less than 1,000mcg should be treated with scepticism.

Analysis: HeartBeets contains an optimal dose of folate that has the potential to increase synthesis of nitric oxide leading to increased vasodilation, better blood flow, and healthier blood pressure.

3. Magnesium (glycinate)

Amount: 200mg

Optimal Dosage: Studies suggest that 300mg is an optimal dose, however, it depends on the type of magnesium used.

Analysis: HeartBeets contains magnesium glycinate, a more potent variety of magnesium. This means 200mg is probably an optimal dose. Magnesium prevents calcium buildup in blood vessels allowing for better blood flow, increases nitric oxide and improves endothelial function (the cells lining blood vessel walls that facilitate the transfer of oxygen and nutrients from the blood to vital organs).

4. Beetroot Extract

Amount: 500mg (4:1 extract ratio)

Optimal Dosage: An optimal dose of beetroot extract is yet to be established, but 500mg has been shown to be effective.

Analysis: Beets are high in nitrates that the body converts into nitric oxide. The high dose of beets in HeartBeets is certainly enough to provide all the goodness of this root vegetable.

5. Hibiscus

Amount: N/A

Optimal Dosage: There are no clear-cut guidelines on the optimal dose of hibiscus, but some studies suggest anything from 100mg can be effective.

Analysis: Given that the HeartBeets proprietary blend is 910mg there is a fair chance that it contains at least 100mg of hibiscus, providing anti-inflammatory and vasodilatory benefits.

6. Hawthorn

Amount: N/A

Optimal Dosage: The optimal dose of hawthorn is considered to be 300mg per day.

Analysis: Again, given that the proprietary blend in HeartBeets amounts to 910mg, there is a good chance it features at least 300mg of hawthorn per serving.

7. Olive Leaf

Amount: 500mg

Optimal Dosage: 500mg has been shown to reduce blood pressure and increase blood flow.

Analysis: HeartBeets contains exactly the right amount of olive leaf, leading to vasodilation, and anti-inflammatory and antioxidant health benefits.

8. Green Tea

Amount: 250mg

Optimal Dosage: 200mg has been shown to be plenty for reducing blood pressure.

Analysis: HeartBeets goes slightly over the effective dose for blood pressure, which is not a bad thing since green tea offers more cardiovascular benefits than just lowering blood pressure, such as being an anti-inflammatory and reducing cholesterol.

9. Garlic Extract

Amount: 150mg (4:1 extract ratio)

Optimal Dosage: For hypertension, garlic powder doses around 600mg have proven to exert good effects.

Analysis: Since HeartBeets uses an extract rather than a powder, the dose is equivalent to 600mg of powder. Garlic causes vasodilation and is also a powerful anti-inflammatory.

10. Vitamin B2

Amount: 1.1mg

Optimal Dosage: The optimal dose is not known, but the recommended daily intake is 1.1mg.

Analysis: Since there are no studies proving that a higher dose of vit B2 is more beneficial than the recommended daily intake, the 1.1mg dose in HeartBeets is sufficient.

11. Vitamin B6

Amount: 1.3mg

Optimal Dosage: Again, doses for cardiovascular health benefits are not proven, but the recommended daily intake is 1.3mg.

Analysis: Once again, HeartBeets contains the recommended amount, which we feel is the right option for vitamin B6.

12. Ginger Extract

Amount: N/A

Optimal Dosage: Estimates vary depending on the health issue being addressed, but experts suggest around 250mg is sufficient.

Analysis: Although the ginger extract is included in HeartBeets proprietary blend, it is more than likely that it contains at least 250mg of ginger extract based on the overall size of the blend.

13. Coenzyme Q10

Amount: 30mg

Optimal Dosage: Recommended doses vary from between 30mg to 200mg.

Analysis: HeartBeets contains just enough CoQ10. Certainly not the highest dose of any supplement out there, but enough to enjoy the cardiovascular health benefits.

Pros and Cons


Can lower blood pressure and improve blood flow by increasing vasodilation and supporting blood vessel function.

Increases nitric oxide, leading to a variety of health benefits including increased blood flow, cognitive function, physical performance, and reduced symptoms of ED.

  • Extensive and well-designed formula
  • Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant
  • Features high and effective doses
  • Uses natural and safe ingredients.
  • Manufactured in the USA in cGMP facilities.


  • Not many customer reviews.
  • Three ingredients are listed in a proprietary blend meaning the exact doses are unknown.

Other HeartBeets Products

This review has focused on HeartBeets all-in-one capsules designed to lower blood pressure, increase blood flow, improve circulation, and boost nitric oxide production. HeartBeets also offers a number of other products, including HeartBeets Powder and HeartBeets JustBeets. Here is a quick review of those products:

HeartBeets Powder 

HeartBeets powder is a holistic health supplement that can provide a whole host of health benefits. The ingredients in HeartBeets powder are divided into three blends: polyphenols, digestive, and metabolic. The first contains heaps of anti-inflammatories, including a big dose of beetroot powder. The digestive blend provides fibre, which promotes feelings of fullness and slows the conversion of sugar into fats, together with 100mg of probiotics for a healthy gut. The metabolic blend features a number of ingredients that stimulate the metabolism, such as cinnamon and green tea.

HeartBeets JustBeets

As the name suggests, HeartBeets JustBeets contains nothing but high-quality organic beetroot powder. Each serving provides 1300mg of beet powder packed full of nitrates that will increase nitric oxide production. JustBeets is one of the best beet-only supplements available, offering a dose that is just right without overdoing it. Beet-only supplements that contain thousands of milligrams of beet powder are likely to simply be excreted through the urine, but the dose in JustBeets is absorbable and effective.

HeartBeets Review Conclusion

HeartBeets all-in-one capsules are comprehensive and effective, supporting healthy blood flow, blood pressure, blood vessel health, nitric oxide production, and overall cardiovascular well-being.  

Featuring optimal doses of almost all the ingredients in its extensive formula, HeartBeets outperforms the competition by a large margin, and with each ingredient supported by thorough research, this is a supplement that we are confident to recommend. 

Blood Flow Pretty much every viable ingredient for a capsule 5/5
Blood Pressure Pretty much every viable ingredient for a capsule 5/5
Value Good 5/5
Customer Satisfaction Good 5/5