Searching journal content for tracers (as phrase) in full text.

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  1. ...tracers allows for the identification of particular mechanism. Increase in the label incorporation without change in lipid concentration suggests increased incorporation of the lipid into complex species, whereas its accumulation under decreased labeling points to the degradation of complex species. ~~~
  2. ...tracers ~~~
  3. ...tracers . Brain Research 558 13 – 19 . ( doi:10.1016/0006-8993(91)90708-4 ) Oliet SH & Bourque CW 1993 Steady-state osmotic modulation of cationic conductance in neurons of rat supraoptic nucleus . American Journal of Physiology 265 R1475 – R1479 . Paxinos G & Watson C 1998 The Rat Brain in ~~~
  4. ...tracers ~~~
  5. ...tracers are safe to use, enabling repeated studies to be undertaken and allowing studies to be undertaken in children and pregnant women. This review provides " cholesterol on understanding the regulation of lipid metabolism. diabetes mellitus and atherosclerotic cardiovascular (Morelli et al. 2013) ~~~
  6. ...tracers (Fig. 3). The locus of control for balancing the mix of carbohydrate and fatty acid oxidation is still unresolved, with several candidate mechanism(s) being proposed. In 1963, Randle et al. proposed the ‘glucose–fatty acid cycle’, which suggested that a reciprocal relationship exists between ~~~
  7. ...tracers to label neuronal circuits that originate in the hypothalamus and terminate in brown and WAT depots will help to clarify as to how PACAP mediates these effects in different adipose tissue depots. In addition to sympathetic innervation of brown fat, thermoregulation of BAT is made possible by ~~~
  8. ...tracers to assess glucose clearance into muscle during a glucose tolerance or insulin tolerance test (Crosson et al. 2003, Cooney et al. 2004). The hyperinsulinaemic–euglycaemic clamp with glucose tracer administration gives the most reproducible assessment of muscle glucose clearance in response to ~~~
  9. ...tracers . Amino Acids 23 231 – 239 . ( doi:10.1007/s00726-001-0134-2 ) ↵ Palm S , Roman E & Nylander I 2011 Differences in voluntary ethanol consumption in Wistar rats from five different suppliers . Alcohol 45 607 – 614 . ( doi:10.1016/j.alcohol.2010.11.005 ) ↵ Ramsey MM , Weiner JL , Moore TP ~~~
  10. ...tracers 1 week 1·8 A B *** *** **** pY608-IRS1 IRS1 pS473-AKT pS9-GSK3β GSK3β pT642-TBC1D4 2-T 9-G 3-A 2-I ntr 2-T 9-G 3-A 2-I ntr TBC1D4 Actin R R RL L L R R RL LL AKT pY608-IRS1 IRS1 pS473-AKT pS9-GSK3β GSK3β pT642-TBC1D4 TBC1D4 Actin AKT 1·6 1·4 1·2 yla tio llin (a .u. 1·0 0·8 0·6 0·4 0·2 0·0 1·2 ~~~
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