Figure 2
Ultrastructural identification of vimentin in human islets. Immunogold labelling for vimentin in islet from ND subject (A,
B) and a subject with T2DM (C, D). Labelling was not detected in either α-cells (A) or β-cells (B) in islets from ND subjects
although labelling was present in perivascular fibroblasts in all islets. (C) Vimentin was present as patches of cytoplasmic
intermediate filaments (arrows) in α-cells in islets isolated from patients with T2DM. (D) In β-cells of islets from a diabetic
subject, vimentin labelling was present in primary lysosomes (lys) (arrows) and infrequently in cytoplasmic intermediate filaments.
g, glucagon granules; i, insulin granules; lb, lipofuscin body; m, mitochondrion; n, nucleus. Scale bars 500 nm.