Increased vimentin in human α- and β-cells in type 2 diabetes
Supplementary Data
- Supplementary Figure 1 -
Representative flow cytometry plots of dispersed human islet cells from a subject
with Type 2 diabetes (A-F). Dispersed islet cells from the islet digests were fixed
and immunolabelled for vimentin and insulin (F). The proportion of labelled cells
was determined (rectangle, % total cells). Viable single cells were gated (A,D) and
controls with no labelling (B), single vimentin (C) or insulin (E) labelling were
used to demonstrate specificity of labelling. (F) cells labelled for both insulin
and vimentin from the same subject. (PDF 406 KB)
- Supplementary Figure 2 -
Electron microscopical immunogold labelling. Sections of isolated islets from non-diabetic
donors were immunogold labelled for vimentin (A) and cathepsin D (B) (A) Part of an
islet including a perivascular macrophage (mf) and endothelial cell (e) bordering
a islet capillary (cap). Vimentin (15nm gold) labelling is on intermediate filaments
in these mesenchymal cells (arrows). An adjacent ungranulated cell (C) with a large
nucleus (N) in the islet was not labelled for vimentin. Scale bar 1.0µm. (B) Non-diabetic
human islet β-cells labelled for the lysosomal marker cathepsin D (10nm gold). Labelling
is present in small primary lysosomes (l) and at the edge of a larger lipofuscin body
(lb) (arrows). i=insulin granules; n=nucleus. Scale bar 500nm. (PDF 1523 KB)
- Supplementary Figure 3 -
: Immunofluorescent labelling for vimentin, active caspase 3, N-cadherin and amyloid
in human post-mortem pancreatic sections. (a,b,c,d) Histological section from a Type
2 diabetic patient labelled for vimentin (a, green), active Caspase 3 (C3)(b, red),
insulin (c, blue). Note that C3/ ins positive cells (arrows) are not vim+ve. 50 islets
were examined from 2 donors for C3 positivity; a total of only 10 endocrine cells
were found to be caspase 3 positive and all of them were vimentin negative (e,f,g,h)
Histological section from a Type 2 diabetic patient labelled for vimentin (e,green),
N-cadherin (f,red), insulin (g, blue). N-cadherin is present throughout the islet
and evident in some ins+, vim– cells (white arrows). Vim+/ N-cadherin+ cells which
are ins- (green arrows) are also present in islets. (i,j,k,l) Histological section
from a Type 2 diabetic patient stained for islet amyloid with thioflavin S (i, green)
(green arrow), and immunolabelled for vimentin (j, red) and glucagon (k,blue). One
cell is vimentin and glucagon positive (white arrows). There was no significant increase
in vim+ endocrine cells in islets containing amyloid deposits compared to amyloid-free
islets. (PDF 4171 KB)
- Supplementary Figure 4 -
Immunofluorescent labelling for vimentin, insulin, and Nkx6.1 or Pdx-1. (A) Islet
labelled for vimentin (white), insulin (red) and Nkx6.1 (green). Insets show a cell
triple positive for insulin, vimentin, and Nkx6.1. Scale bar 50 µm. (B). Islet labelled
for vimentin (white), insulin (red) and Pdx-1(green nuclei) to demonstrate nuclear
localisation of Pdx-1 in the very few cells that were positive for vimentin, insulin
and Pdx-1. Insets show a cell triple positive for vimentin, insulin and Pdx-1. Scale
bar 50 µm. (PDF 809 KB)
- Supplementary Figure 5 -
Single-cell RNAseq data from the online resource of the Sandberg laboratory (Segerstolpe
et al 2016 Cell Metab 24, 593-607). Boxplots summarising VIM expression levels for every donor (shown in different shades of each colour) in alpha
and beta cells. The first 6 boxes correspond to healthy individuals and the last 4
to individuals with T2D.
- Supplementary Table 1 -
General characteristics of human pancreas donors used in the quantitative immunolabelling
analyses. ND, Non-diabetic; T2DM, Type 2 diabetic; BMI, body mass index; DBD, donation
after brain death; DCD, donation after circulatory death; Ox, Oxford; Lei, Leiden;
n/a, not available. (PDF 64 KB)
- Supplementary Table 2 -
General and metabolic characteristics of non-human primates. FPG, fasting plasma glucose;
IRI, immunoreactive insulin; n/a, not available; mmol/l, millimoles/litre; pmol, picomoles/litre;
ND, non-diabetic; HI, hyperinsulinaemic; DM, diabetic. (PDF 85 KB)
- Supplementary Table 3 -
Primary and Secondary antibody information. (PDF 83 KB)
- Supplementary Table 4 -
Human isolated islet donor details (PDF 81 KB)
Published online before print
March 27, 2017,
J Endocrinol
June 1, 2017
vol. 233
no. 3