Figure 4
Scheme of cortex development and possible role of some of the genes regulated transcriptionally by T3 in the cerebrocortical cultures. Different stages of cortex development are represented: proliferation of precursors, multipolar
to bipolar transition, appearance of the Cajal-Retzius cells (CR) and the subplate cells (SP) with the formation of the preplate,
arrival of the first migrating neurons with the splitting of the preplate and formation of the cortical plate, and the inside
out migration process to form first the deep layers (DL) 5 and 6, and then the upper layers (UL) 2 to 4. Genes regulated by
T3 have been selected on the basis of specific expression at a certain developmental stage in the embryonic or P2 CR cells,
the SP cells at two stages of development, specific markers genes for the DL or the UL neurons, and the extracellular matrix
(EM). The extracellular matrix is represented by a shade on the marginal zone and the subplate, which stain more strongly
by glycosaminoglycans, the major component of brain EM. Adapted, under the terms of the CCBY license, from Ohtaka-Maruyama
C & Okado H (2015) Molecular pathways underlying projection neuron production and migration during cerebral cortical development,
Frontiers in Neuroscience, volume 9, article 447.