Figure 1
RET isoform knockdown alters cell morphology and growth of thyroid carcinoma cell lines. (A) RET isoform expression in the
PTC cell line TPC-1 and MTC cell line TT was quantified by real-time PCR using isoform-specific primers. Expression was normalized
to the housekeeping gene GUSB. (B) Expression of total RET or individual RET isoform proteins in TPC-1 and TT cells. Whole cell lysates of MockKD and knockdown
(KD) cell lines depleted for RET51 (RET9only), RET9 (RET51only) or total-RET KD (noRET) were immunoblotted using antibodies
specific for each RET isoform or a panRET antibody (total RET) that detects both isoforms, as indicated. Protein was not obtained
from noRET TT cells (not shown) as these cells were not viable and did not proliferate sufficiently for analysis. In TT cells,
full-length RET appears as a doublet of immature and fully glycosylated forms. The chimeric RET/PTC1 in TPC-1 appears as a
single band representing cytosolic protein. Tubulin serves as a loading control. (C) RET KD induces isoform-specific changes
in TPC-1 and TT cell morphology. Phase contrast images (40×) showing morphology of the indicated RET KD cells. Scale bar = 100 µm.
(D) Growth of TPC-1 and TT RET KD cells. Cells were transduced with lentiviral shRNA constructs (day 0) and growth was monitored
over time as indicated. Representative images show cell and colony morphology at indicated times. (E) Quantification of proliferation
of RET KD cells. Growth of indicated cells was measured by MTT assay after 72-h incubation. Data are shown as mean ± s.e.m. of three experiments, each with a minimum of three technical replicates, normalized to MockKD. In TPC-1 cells, RET51only,
RET9only and noRET cell lines all proliferated significantly less than MockKD (*P < 2.4 × 10−9) and were each significantly different from each other (RET51only vs RET9only †P = 4.4 × 10−9; RET9only vs noRET ‡P = 3.0 × 10−9). RET51only and RET9only TT cells proliferated less than MockKD cells (*P < 3.0 × 10−5) but were not significantly different from each other (P = 0.20).