p53 family proteins in thyroid cancer

    1. F Frasca
    1. Endocrinologia, Dipartimento di Medicina Interna e Medicina Specialistica, Università di Catania, PO Garibaldi Nesima, Via Palermo 636, 95122 Catania, Italy
    1. (Requests for offprints should be addressed to R Vigneri; Email: vigneri{at}unict.it)


    At variance with other human malignancies, p53 mutations are not frequent in thyroid cancer and are believed to be responsible mainly for cancer progression to poorly differentiated and aggressive phenotype. p63 and p73, two proteins with a high degree of homology with p53, are overexpressed in thyroid cancer, but their role in cancer initiation or progression is controversial. Regulation of p53 family protein function depends on: (1) the balance between the expression of transcriptionally active (p53, TAp63, and TAp73) and inactive isoforms (ΔNp63 and ΔNp73); (2) their interaction and competition at DNA-responsive elements; (3) their interaction with regulatory proteins, either inhibitory or activating. In thyroid cancer, therefore, although mutations of the p53 oncosuppressor protein family are rare, other mechanisms are present, including aberrant expression of p53 family dominant negative isoforms, up-regulation of inhibitory proteins, and functional inhibition of activating proteins. The overall result is a defective oncosuppressor activity. These inactivating mechanisms may be present in the early stages of thyroid cancer and in different cancer histotypes. A better understanding of this complex network may not only ameliorate our comprehension of cancer biology, but also open the possibility of innovative diagnostic procedures and the development of targeted therapies.

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