Accepted Preprint (first posted online 23 June 2016)

    Sperm tsRNAs and acquired metabolic disorders

    1. Qiwei Zhai
    1. M Yan, Institute for Nutritional Sciences, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China
    2. Q Zhai, Institute for Nutritional Sciences, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China
    1. Correspondence: Qiwei Zhai, Email: qwzhai{at}


    Many findings support that metabolic changes associated with environmental factors can be transmitted from father to offspring. The molecular mechanisms underlying the intergenerational transmission of metabolic changes remain to be fully explored. The acquired metabolic disorders in offspring may be partially explained by some potential epigenetic information carriers such as DNA methylation, histone modification and small non-coding RNAs. Recent evidences show that sperm tRNA-derived small RNAs (tsRNAs) as a type of paternal epigenetic information carrier may mediate intergenerational inheritance. In this review, we provide current knowledge of father's influence on metabolic disorders in subsequent generations, and discuss the roles of sperm tsRNAs and their modifications in paternal epigenetic information transmission.

    • Received 26 April 2016
    • Received in final form 16 June 2016
    • Accepted 22 June 2016
    • Accepted Preprint first posted online on 23 June 2016

    This Article

    1. J Endocrinol JOE-16-0185
    1. Abstract
    2. All Versions of this Article:
      1. JOE-16-0185v1
      2. 230/3/F13 most recent

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