Absence of 11-keto reduction of cortisone and 11-ketotestosterone in the model organism zebrafish

Supplementary Data

  • Supplementary Materials and Methods - Supplementary Materials and Methods (PDF 67 KB)
  • Supplementary Figure 1 - Multiple sequence alignments using the CLUSTAL Omega software of 11β-HSD1 proteins from different species. The sequences used as input were retrieved from the HomoloGene software of NCBI, after search in known genomes of proteins homologous to the human 11β-HSD1. The color code in amino acids is interpreted as follows based on the CLUSTAL Omega software (PDF 593 KB)
  • Supplementary Figure 2 - Results of BLAST search in the elephant shark for identification of predicted proteins that share amino acid similarity with human 11β-HSD1, zebrafish 11β-HSD3a, zebrafish 11β-HSD3b or human 11β-HSD3. The software available on the elephant shark genome project website was used for BLAST search (http://esharkgenome.imcb.a-star.edu.sg/blast/) (PDF 424 KB)
  • Supplementary Table 1 - Multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) parameters. (PDF 50 KB)
  • Supplementary Table 2 - Optimized ion source conditions and analytical parameters. (PDF 48 KB)
  • Supplementary Table 3 - Primer sequences used for PCR amplification (PDF 44 KB)
  • Supplementary Table 4 - Primer sequences used for qPCR analysis (PDF 44 KB)

This Article

  1. J Endocrinol February 1, 2017 vol. 232 no. 2 323-335