60 YEARS OF NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY: MEMOIR: Geoffrey Harris and my brush with his unit
Figure 2
Axon terminals (D) in the preoptic area, showing collapse and increased electron opacity associated with orthograde degeneration 2 days after a lesion of the stria terminalis. Adjacent, non-degenerating terminals (N). In (A) the degenerating terminal makes synaptic contact with a dendritic spine (P), which is connected by a narrow neck to a dendritic shaft (H), a configuration commoner in the female. In (B), the contact that is directly on to a dendritic shaft (H) is of the type commoner in the male. Arrows mark synaptic thickenings. Dendritic shafts are identified by their content of microtubules cut in transverse or oblique section. Scale bars, 1 μm. Reproduced, with permission, from Raisman G & Field PM 1971 Sexual dimorphism in the preoptic area of the rat. Science 173 731–733. Copyright 1971 The American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Figure 3
The mean incidences (dot=s.e.m.) of non-strial synapses per grid square from the preoptic area of each of the six groups of adult rats. M, intact males (n=11), M0, males castrated at birth (n=9), M7, males castrated on the 7th day of postnatal life (n=7), F, intact females (n=16). F4, females administered 1.25 mg testosterone propionate on the fourth postnatal day (n=14) and F16, females administered 1.25 mg testosterone propionate on the 16th postnatal day (n=7). The dotted bars indicate adult rats capable of an ovulatory surge of gonadotrophins. Reproduced from Brain Research, Raisman G & Field PM, Sexual dimorphism in the neuropil of the preoptic area of the rat and its dependence on neonatal androgen, vol 54 pp 1–29, copyright 1973, with permission from Elsevier.
Figure 4
Cross-sections of the retina of Wistar albino rats (A), caged with diurnal lighting, (B), after 2 weeks of constant light. Formalin fixation, haematoxylin and eosin stain. (C) chart of changes in the ovulatory cycle by vaginal smears. Reproduced, with permission, from Glickstein M, Brown-Grant K & Raisman G 1972 Light-induced retinal degeneration in the rat and its implications for endocrinological investigations. Journal of Anatomy 111 515. Copyright 1972 Anatomical Society.
Figure 5
Evidence of apoptosis in degenerating supraoptic neurons after hypophysectomy. (A) A portion of highly electron-dense compacted cytoplasm from a degenerating supraoptic neuron at 4 days postoperative. R, endoplasmic reticulum, As, pale cytoplasm of a phagocytic astroglial process. (B). Nucleus (N) from a degenerating supraoptic neuron 9 days postoperative. g, masses of compacted granular chromatin material; x particulate deposit. Scale bars, 2 μm in (A), 1.5 μm in (B). Reproduced, with permission, from Raisman 1973b An ultrastructural study of the effects of hypophysectomy on the supraoptic nucleus of the rat. Journal of Comparative Neurology 147 181–208. Copyright 1973 The Wistar Institute Press.
Figure 6
(A) Vasopressin (VP) immunoreactivity (brown) in paraventricular neurons of the WT Long–Evans strain rat. The normal distribution of the VP reaction product is in the cell centre (c), with the Nissl material (n, blue) in the circumference of the cytoplasm. (B) VP expression in a single solitary neuron in the Brattleboro di/di mutant. The mutant VP (v) is abnormally packaged as dense clumps throughout the cytoplasm. The adjacent neuron does not express VP. Scale bars, 20 μm. Reproduced from Neuroscience, Richards SJ, Morris RJ & Raisman G, Solitary magnocellular neurons in the homozygous Brattleboro rat have vasopressin and glycopeptide immunoreactivity, vol 16 pp 617–623, Copyright 1985, with permission from Elsevier.
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