Figure 4
Protein expression of GnRH and GFAP in hypothalamic nuclei of control and immunized rats (n=5). (A and B) Paraventricular nucleus (Pa) of control and immune rats respectively; (C and D) medial preoptic nucleus (MPN)
respectively; (E and F) arcuate nucleus (Arc) respectively; (G and H) median eminence (ME) respectively. (I and J) Average
fluorescence intensities (AFIs) of GnRH and GFAP in different areas of the hypothalamus respectively. A dotted line indicated
the nuclei of the hypothalamus. Green indicates a positive reaction of GnRH with IgG-FITC, orange a positive reaction of glial
fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) with IgY-Cy5, and their merge image was marked. TV: third ventricle, bar=50 μm. AFIs of GnRH
(E) and GFAP (F) in nuclei of rat hypothalami were analyzed. AFI was obtained and analyzed in two 40× object lens microscopic
fields of every nucleus per hypothalamus of five rats in two treatments using the FV10.ASW 3.0 software and Image Pro-Plus
6.0 (Media Cybernetics Co., Rockville, MD, USA). Significant differences between groups were determined using an unpaired
Student's t-test (n=10; two slices per hypothalamic nuclei). *P<0.05, **P<0.01.