Local impact of thyroid hormone inactivation

Deiodinases: the balance of thyroid hormone

  1. Domenico Salvatore
  1. Department of Molecular and Clinical Endocrinology and Oncology, University of Naples ‘Federico II’, Via S. Pansini 5, 80131 Naples, Italy
  1. (Correspondence should be addressed to M Dentice; Email: monica.dentice{at}unina.it; D Salvatore; Email: domsalva{at}unina.it)
  1. Figure 1

    Diagram of the mouse Dlk1/Dio3 region. (A) Schematic map of chromosome 12 (qF1). (B) Schematic overview of the imprinting Dlk1/Dio3 cluster in mouse. Arrows above the genes indicate the orientation of transcription. The three boxes containing non-coding RNA genes are highlighted in red.

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