Figure 2
Basal and glucose-induced insulin secretion-related expression and physiologic changes observed in beta-cells and involved
in their maturation process. (A) Enrichment plots of the Reactome regulation of insulin secretion and the Reactome integration
of energy metabolism gene sets that show the running sum for each set within the beta-cell dataset (green line), and the leading-edge
subset of enriched genes (vertical black lines). Heatmap of the leading-edge core genes based on their expression levels,
and dendrogram depicting similarities among samples. (B) Representative images of the hemolytic immunoplaques produced by
insulin secretion of neonate, suckling, weaning, and adult sorted beta-cells, incubated at basal (5.6 mM glucose; top panel)
and stimulating (15.6 mM glucose; bottom panel) conditions. (C) Quantification of immunoplaque areas observed in basal (left
graph) and stimulating (right graph) conditions. Red bars represent the mean+s.e.m. Scale bar=50μm. +P<0.01 vs the previous age, *P<0.01 vs the same age at 5.6 mM glucose.