Activation of a GPCR leads to eIF4G phosphorylation at the 5′ cap and to IRES-dependent translation
- Kelly León1,2,3,4,
- Thomas Boulo1,2,3,4,
- Astrid Musnier1,2,3,4,
- Julia Morales5,6,
- Christophe Gauthier1,2,3,4,
- Laurence Dupuy1,2,3,4†,
- Steffen Heyne7,
- Rolf Backofen7,
- Anne Poupon1,2,3,4,
- Patrick Cormier5,6,
- Eric Reiter1,2,3,4 and
- Pascale Crepieux1,2,3,4⇑
- 1UMR85, Unité Physiologie de la Reproduction et des Comportements, F-37380 Nouzilly, France
2Group «Biology and Bioinformatics of Signaling Systems (BIOS)», CNRS, UMR7247, F-37380 Nouzilly, France
3Université François Rabelais, F-37041 Tours, France
4IFCE, F-37380 Nouzilly, France
5Université Pierre et Marie Curie, University of Paris VI, CNRS, UMR 7150 Mer et Santé, Equipe Traduction, Cycle Cellulaire, et Développement, Station Biologique de Roscoff, F-29239 Roscoff, France
6Université Européenne de Bretagne, F-29239 Roscoff, France
7Bioinformatics Group, Department of Computer Science, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
- Correspondence should be addressed to P Crépieux; Email: Pascale.Crepieux{at}
- © 2014 Society for Endocrinology