Figure 3
Sequence comparison of SLC26A4 in different species. (1) Homo sapiens (NP_000432), (2) Rattus norvegicus (NP_062087), (3) Mus musculus (NP_035997), (4) Pan troglodytes (XP_519308), (5) Macaca mulatta (XP_001094049), (6) Canis familiaris (XP_540382), (7) Bos taurus (XP_608706), (8) Monodelphis domestica (XP_001363598), (9) Gallus gallus (XP_425419), (10) Danio rerio (XP_692273), and (11) Xenopus laevis (NP_001089008). The 15 putative trans-membrane (TM) helices are indicated with arrows and respective numbering (S1–S15). The two amphipathic
helices are boxed in red, and the STAS-domain is boxed in blue. The sulfate-transport-consensus-signature is boxed in green,
and the glycine repeat is indicated in yellow.