Searching journal content for articles similar to Lim et al. 23 (12): T227.

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  1. .... This review critically discusses the recent developments in the study of male breast cancer in relation to ERα and AR action and highlights the potential future studies to further elucidate the genomic regulation of this rare disease. Keywords male breast cancer estrogen receptor androgen receptor genomics...
  2. ...relatively little of the t them. In breast cancer, the estrogen receptor alpha (Era rget for a group of therapies crine therapies. The ESR1 is a r that not only guides and Review J I Murray et al. Intratumoural inflammation and endocrine resistance 22 :1 R51–R672007a,b). However, it is increasingly clear...
  3. ...the ability to implement the best therapy options at diagnosis, either endocrine therapy alone or together with other targeted therapies, for improved overall outcome." biomarker Endocrine-Related Cancer (2014) 21, R357–R370" "thestrogen receptors breast cancerAbstract Estrogen receptor alpha (ERa) regulates...
  4. ...the ability of Key Words " testosterone " breast " androgen receptor " hormone receptor " mammary gland Introduction p-regulating expression of the e ERa- and PR-positive cells ne-sensing MECs (HS-MECs)) Thematic Review G A Tarulli et al. Androgen and NOTCH signalling in breast cancer 21 :4 T183–T202...
  5. ...nter rict The majority of human breast cancers are estrogen receptor-positive (ERC), but this has " estrogen receptor " breast " carcinoma " pathogenesis Introduction (HER2) (Guiu et al. 2012). Molecular studies divide breast adenosquamous, spindloid, and adenomyoepithelioma tal carcinoma in situ...
  6. ...therapythe ER status of breast tumors has long been used to problem limiting the long-term usefulness of the relatively nontoxic endocrine therapies as well as possiblytherapy in human breast cancer. Endocrine-Related Cancer (2011) 18 R1–R14 Introduction Targeting the estrogen receptor (ER) signaling pathway...
  7. ...140 5566–5578. Harvey J, Clark G, Osborne C & Allred D 1999 Estrogen receptor status by immunohistochemistry is superior to the ligand binding assay for predicting response to adjuvant endocrine therapy in breast cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology 17 1474–1481. Holland P,KnoxW,PottenC,Howell A...
  8. ...implications for endocrine therapyHaematology, available: http://atlasgeneticsoncology. org/Genes/ESRRGID45840ch1q41.html). However, the role of ERRg in the etiology of breast cancer remains unclear. One of the more puzzling aspects of the relationship between ERRa and ERRg is that at first glance, they appear...
  9. ...-positive breast cancer was confirmed in a group of ER-positive tumor samples from patients treated with adjuvant endocrine therapy (tamoxifen). In this group, FGFR1 amplification was significantly associated with decreased metastasis-free survival compared with samples with normal FGFR1 levels (Turner et al. 2010...
  10. the foreseeable future, it is clear that prevention is essential in order practically to eliminate deaths from breast cancer. Tamoxifen is the only selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) currently registered for use in breast cancer prevention; the tamoxifen versus raloxifene study should indicate...
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