Searching journal content for high-throughput screening (as phrase) in full text.

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  1. ...high-throughput screening of new putative targets or antitumor agents might be more easily and costeffectively carried out in Drosophila or zebrafish, whereas rodents or PDX models might be better suited for an Figure 5 Pancreatic islets in wild-type and MENX mutant rats. (A) Hematoxylin and eosin ( ~~~
  2. ...high-throughput screening method to identify molecular pathways that may be playing a significant and consistent role in PA. RNA profiling using microarrays on eight local PAs identified the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) signalling pathway as a key canonical pathway downregulated in all PA types. ~~~
  3. ...high-throughput screening of novel cancer drugs, as well as to test multi-targeted agents and combination therapy (Dar et  al. 2012, Das et  al. 2014, Yadav et  al. 2016). However, the employment of Drosophila for studies on MTC has several limitations that need to be considered. Indeed, the short l ~~~
  4. ...high-throughput screening f patient-derived tumour xenografts f targeted therapies f pharmacogenomics Introduction Breast cancer (herein BC) is not a single disease, but is instead a collection of diseases that have distinct histopathological features and genetic and genomic variability linked to di ~~~
  5. ...high-throughput screening ~~~
  6. ...high-throughput screening which is fundamental to identify genomic alterations potentially causative of thyroid cancer progression and drug-resistance. The resulting genomic variants were filtered (Supplementarybrain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) confirmed a Published by Bioscientifica Ltd. -fi f ~~~
  7. ...high-throughput screening . Cell 138 645 – 659 . ( doi:10.1016/j.cell.2009.06.034 ). ↵ Gupta PB , Fillmore CM , Jiang G , Shapira SD , Tao K , Kuperwasser C & Lander ES 2011 Stochastic state transitions give rise to phenotypic equilibrium in populations of cancer cells . Cell 146 633 – 644 . ( d ~~~
  8. ...high-throughput screening " carfilzomib " proteasome inhibitor (ATC) accounts for 1–2% of all thyroid cancers, but is the on. ATC is one of the most d has a median survival of only 5 months, and fewer than 20% of patients with ATC Current treatment regimens long-term clinical benefits ta et al. 2013 ~~~
  9. ...high-throughput screening using drug libraries and computational network analysis. Recent studies have shown that these experimental methods enable the prediction of novel drug targets and the repositioning of known drugs for the treatment of cancer (Shim et al. 2012, Emig et al. 2013). Studies of t ~~~
  10. ...high-throughput screening of the epigenome-targeting gene promoters would therefore be the best measurement of PFOA epigenetic targets. Such a study has not been conducted using mouse or human breast models, however this line of investigation worthy of pursuance. DDT and DDE Dichlorodiphenyltrichlor ~~~
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