Searching journal content for biomarker discovery (as phrase) in full text.

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  1. ...biomarker discovery trials (Higgins  et  al. 2012), including the results from the window-of-opportunity trial (Bjarnadottir  et  al. 2013) presented herein, have unanimously confirmed that the compliance to statin treatment is remarkably high and that these drugs effectively decrease serum total ch ~~~
  2. ...biomarker discovery f high-throughput screening f patient-derived tumour xenografts f targeted therapies f pharmacogenomics Introduction Breast cancer (herein BC) is not a single disease, but is instead a collection of diseases that have distinct histopathological features and genetic and genomic va ~~~
  3. ...biomarker discovery . Theranostics 4 953 – 959 . ( doi:10.7150/thno.9265 ) ↵ Thomson S , Koren G , Van Steen V , Rieder M & Van Uum SH 2009 Testosterone concentrations in hair of hypogonadal men with and without testosterone replacement therapy . Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 31 779 – 782 . ( doi: ~~~
  4. ...biomarker discovery ~~~
  5. ...biomarker discovery is crucial to improving treatment options and patient survival, as is the discovery of new therapeutic vulnerabilities in BLBC. Basal cytokeratins are highly expressed in BLBC ((Prat et al. 2013) and reviewed in Gusterson et al. 2005). Accordingly, initial research suggested that ~~~
  6. ...biomarker discovery and applications, including smart knife technologies. Moreover, as changes in lipid profiles can be measured in body fluids, and potentially visualized in tumors by molecular imaging, there is a high potential for the development of specific and minimally invasive tests. Most rec ~~~
  7. ...biomarker discovery by mass spectrometry. Journal of Proteome Research 8 3797–3807. (doi:10.1021/pr800389e) Song JY, Lee JK, Lee NW, Jung HH, Kim SH & Lee KW 2008 Microarray analysis of normal cervix, carcinoma in situ, and invasive cervical cancer: Identification of candidate genes in pathogenesis ~~~
  8. ...biomarker discovery and development pathway has attempted to standardize biomarker development and provide an efficient framework tomove useful biomarkers into clinical practice. All large Phase III therapeutic studies should collect prospective samples that are rationally devised to test available ~~~
  9. ...biomarker discovery for colorectal cancers. Recent Patents on DNA & Gene Sequences 4 86–93. (doi:10.2174/187221510793205764) Roccato E, Miranda C, Ranzi V, Gishizky ML, Pierotti MA & Greco A 2002 Biological activity of the thyroid TRK-T3 oncogene requires signalinghttp://www..endocrinology-journals. ~~~
  10. ...biomarker discovery studies (Cortez et al. 2011). Thirdly, there is evidence for selective secretion of miRNAs in exosomes. For example, the bulk of miR-1246 and miR-451 was found to be released by breast cancer MCF7 cells in exosomes, but these miRNAs were retained by a nonmalignant mammary epithel ~~~
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