Figure 2
Cell viability assay in TC cells. (A) DRO, SW1736 and KAT18 cells were treated with Vemurafenib (0–10 μM) and Bortezomib (0–100 nM)
for 120 h, and cell viability was assayed by WST-8 assay. (B) NPA, DRO, SW1736 or KAT18 cells were exposed to sub-IC50 concentrations of Vemurafenib (0.1, 0.1, 1.0 or 10 µM) and Bortezomib (15, 15, 20 or 35 nM), respectively, for 72 h, and
cell viability was tested by Trypan blue nuclear exclusion assay. B; Bortezomib; V; Vemurafenib. (C) SW1736 cells were treated
with Vemurafenib (1.0 μM) and Bortezomib (20 nM) for 14 days and assessed by colonogenic assay.