Figure 3
The influence of PBF mutations on thyroid and breast cell proliferation. MTS proliferation assays in SW1736 (A) and TPC1 (B)
thyroid cancer cells demonstrated that 3 substitution mutations at residue G106 failed to significantly alter mitochondrial
activity, compared with WT PBF, as a marker of cell number. BrdU cellular proliferation experiments in TPC1 (C) and MCF7 (D)
cells transfected with VO, WT PBF, C51R, V55I, R140W and R146W mutants. MTS proliferation assays in TPC1 (E) and MCF7 (F)
cells transfected with VO, WT PBF, C51R and R140W substitutions. Beneath – Western blots probed with anti-PBF antibody and β-actin as loading control demonstrate PBF expression to assess transfection.
Data presented as mean values ± s.e. (n = 3). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001. Representative immunofluorescent microscopy of FLAG-tagged PBF and C51R and R140W mutants (green) and ER marker
(anti-PDI Ab, red) or Golgi marker (anti-golgin-97 Ab, red) with subcellular co-localisation (yellow) in HeLa (G) and MCF7
(H) cells. Magnification = 100×. Bars = 20 µm.