Hyperglycaemia-induced resistance to Docetaxel is negated by metformin: a role for IGFBP-2

Supplementary Data

  • Supplementary Figure 1 - (a) Western blot show the effect of treatment with Compound C (CC) and Docetaxel on the abundance on IGFBP-2 in LNCaP cells. (b) Changes in % cell death of LNCaP cells according to different treatment. LNCaP cells were set up as described in Fig 1a and pre-treated with 2μM Compound C for 1hr then dosed with 60nM Docetaxel and 5mM Metformin for 24hrs. Cell death was evaluated using trypan blue cell counting (n=3). (PDF 300 KB)

This Article

  1. Endocr Relat Cancer January 1, 2017 vol. 24 no. 1 17-30
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