Figure 2
DNA methylation has diverse gene regulatory functions depending upon genomic context. A simplified model of the genome is
depicted at the top (green box). The yellow rectangles are exons of a generic mRNA-producing gene, and the black lines between
exons are introns. Thin yellow exonic regions correspond to untranslated regions (UTR) of mRNA, and thick yellow exonic regions
correspond to protein coding mRNA sequences. The black lines outside of the genic region depict intergenic DNA. Within each
genomic context, the first row below indicates known, context-specific functions of DNA methylation on mRNA expression (light
green box). The second row below indicates how these effects on mRNA expression translate to altered protein expression (pink
box). It is important to note that this figure does not imply evidence exists for each of these mechanisms specifically in
prostate cancer. Instead, it serves to summarize known functions of DNA methylation studied in a wide range of biological
systems and suggests that prostate cancer-specific DNA methylation found in each of these contexts may function through some
or all of these mechanisms.