Figure 1
(A) H&E section of a serous ovarian carcinoma implant in the omentum. Black arrow indicates the layer of mesothelial cells.
White asterisk indicates the metastatic ovarian cancer cells. (B) Direct co-culture of mesothelial peritoneal cells (LP-9)
with OVCAR-5 cells induces cell aggregation (black arrow) most evident after 96 h. (C) A monolayer of LP-9 cells was exposed
to a suspension of OVCAR-5 or SKOV-3 cells for 48 h to mimic the in vivo situation of ovarian cancer metastasis and the CM collected, precipitated in acetone, and run on an SDS gel and stained with
Coomassie blue. Selected bands present in either the single cell culture or the co-culture only were excisioned and analysed
by mass spectrometry (Maldi TOF/TOF). Band 1 = fibronectin, Band 2 = fibronectin, Band 3 = periostin, Band 4 = TGFBI, Band
5 = PAI-1, Band 6 = CK-1, Band 7 = fibronectin, Band 8 = fibronectin.