Figure 4
Synergistic prognostic effect of co-occurrence of BRAF V600E and TERT promoter mutations in increasing the risk of tumour
recurrence (ATYPESETTER: Please change “8,7%, 16,3%, 19,2%, 68,6%” to “8.7%, 16.3%, 19.2%, 68.6%” in the Figure 4. and B)
and disease-related mortality (C and D) in DTC. Data from Xing et al. (2014b) (A), Xing et al. (2014a) (C), and Song et al. (2016) (B and D). †Not significantly different from the No mutations group; *Significantly different from the No mutations group; **Significantly different from the TERT promoter mutations only group; *** Significantly different from the BRAF V600E only group.