Wnt signalling in pituitary development and tumorigenesis

    1. J R E Davis
    1. Endocrinology and Diabetes Group , Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences, Centre for Endocrinology and Diabetes, Institute of Human Development, University of Manchester, AV Hill Building, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PT, UK
      1 Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology , Med Clinic I, University of Lübeck, Lübeck, Germany
    1. (Correspondence should be addressed to J R E Davis; Email: julian.davis{at}manchester.ac.uk)


    Wnt signalling is activated in both pituitary organogenesis and its mature function. Wnt ligands and Wnt signalling pathways are critical for the regulation of the formation of the pituitary. In the mature pituitary, Wnt signalling pathways control cell activity and may stimulate cell proliferation in both physiological and pathological processes. This review compares Wnt signalling pathways active in the developing and mature pituitary and explores how this gives us further insight into the development of pituitary adenomas.

    • Revision received 15 February 2013
    • Accepted 4 March 2013
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