Linking inflammation and neuroendocrine differentiation: the role of macrophage migration inhibitory factor-mediated signaling in prostate cancer

    1. Paramita M Ghosh1,2,3
    1. 1Departments of Urology
      2Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, University of California Davis, Sacramento, California, USA
      3VA Northern California Health Care System, Sacramento, California, USA
    1. (Correspondence should be addressed to P M Ghosh; Email: paramita.ghosh{at}


    A new paper by Tawadros et al. in Endocrine-Related Cancer demonstrates a link between macrophage migration inhibitory factor and neuroendocrine differentiation in prostate cancer. This paper may have implications in explaining the effect of prostatitis and chronic inflammation on the development of aggressive prostate cancer.

    • Revision received 14 April 2013
    • Accepted 23 April 2013
    • Made available online as an Accepted Preprint 23 April 2013
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