Searching journal content for articles similar to Boeldt and Bird 232 (1): R27.

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  1. ...artery endothelium (UA Endo) that isJournal of Endocrinology (2011) 210, 243–258 D S BOELDT and others . Adaptive Ca2C signaling and eNOS activation246Early studies implicating capacitative calcium entry as the basis for pregnancy adaptation Early [Ca2C]i studies in UAEC examined low-density single...
  2. ...regions near the locus coeruleus Figure 4 Human placental corticotropin-releasing hormone peptide content in pregnancies complicated by pre-eclampsia and in uncomplicated pregnancies (adapted from Goland et al. 1995). CRH in allostatic overload · J SCHULKIN 351 Journal of Endocrinology (1999) 161, 349...
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