Searching journal content for articles similar to Isorna et al. 232 (3): R141.

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  1. ...DOI: 10.1530/JOE-16-0484 © 2017 Society for Endocrinology Printed in Great Britain Published by Bioscientifica Ltd. 461–474k a philbrick and others Leptin dose–response Research 232:3 Correspondence should be addressed to U T Iwaniec Email urszula...
  2. ...DOI: 10.1530/JOE-16-0561 © 2017 Society for Endocrinology Printed in Great Britain Published by Bioscientifica Ltd. 411–422d r broom and others Exercise, acylated ghrelin and hungerResearch 232:3 10.1530/JOE-16-0561 David R Broom1,2, Masashi Miyashita1,3, Lucy K...
  3. ...) 230, R1–R11 Review Key Words f circadian rhythms f glucocorticoid f HPA axis f insulin f leptin Correspondence should be addressed to H Oster Email [email protected] 230 230:1 R2Review a h tsang and others Endocrine rhythms 2016 Society for Endocrinology Printed...
  4. ...of these hormones is suggested to be necessary to maintain the temporal patterns of peripheral metabolism (Prasai et al. 2014). It is suggested for example that the presence of glucocorticoid-responsive elements found in the clock gene Per1-2 promoters, could explain how corticosterone can contribute to the process...
  5. ...of diet manipulation or treatment with feeding-regulatory peptides such as orexins, leptin or ghrelin on NPY immunohistochemical expression (for example: Cheunsuang & Morris 2005, Kobelt et al. 2008, Garcia  et  al. 2010, 2011, Li  et  al. 2012, Konieczna  et  al. 2013, Pekala et al. 2011). Specificity...
  6. loops. 233 Correspondence should be addressed to J Fahrenkrug Email [email protected] Key Words f thyroid hormones f circadian rhythms f clock genes f HPT axis f pituitary Journal of Endocrinology (2017) 233, 209–216 Research 210Thyroid clock and hormone after hypophysectomy DOI: 10...
  7. ...Animal Models to Explore the Effects of Glucocorticoids on Skeletal Growth and 1 Structure 2 3 Claire L Wood1, Ondrej Soucek2,3, Sze C. Wong4, Farasat Zaman3, Colin Farquharson1, Lars 4 Savendahl3, S. Faisal Ahmed4 5 6 1. Division of Developmental Biology, Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh...
  8. ...). In addition to this central clock, circadian variation in physiology is mediated via similar clock gene networks in key metabolic tissues, referred to as ‘peripheral clocks’. The circadian rhythm of circulating glucocorticoids (generated via the HPA axis) provides a key coordination link between the central...
  9. ... J, Elmquist JK & Flier JS 1999 Distinct physiologic and neuronal responses to decreased leptin and mild hyperleptinemia. Endocrinology 140 4923–4931. (doi:10.1210/en.140.11.4923) Ahima RS, Prabakaran D & Flier JS 1998 Postnatal leptin surge and regulation of circadian rhythm of leptin by feeding. Implications...
  10. ...of hypothalamic KP and GnIH in the modulation of reproductive function according to available metabolic cues. Expression of KISS1, the KP encoding gene, is decreased while expression of RFRP (NPVF), theKey Words " kisspeptin " Kiss1r " GnIH " GPR147 " metabolism " reproduction " leptin " ghrelines icen .0 Uin...
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