Searching journal content for pregnancy adaptation (as phrase) in full text.

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  1. ...pregnancy adaptation f Ca2+ f cytokines Journal of Endocrinology (2017) 232, R27–R44 Review R28Vascular adaptation and dysfunction in PE DOI: 10.1530/JOE-16-0340 d s boeldt and i m bird © 2017 Society for Endocrinology Printed in Great Britain Published by Bioscien ~~~
  2. ...pregnancy adaptation 223 :1 1–11tion, the pregnant uterus achieves the biggest dropThrough initial angiogenesis and then sustained vasodila- flow to meet the needs of the growing fetus (Magness 1998). Impaired vasodilator outputs, including nitriccould also in part explain the pregnancy-specific ada ~~~
  3. ...pregnancy adaptation of cell signaling and associated changes in nitric diffusible molecule, it is ideally suited to the task of quickly adjusting blood pressure in response to changes in local environment. Failure of the vascular endothelium to producesupporting maximal perfusion of the uterus. Thi ~~~
  4. ...pregnancy adaptation of eNOS activation occurs at multiple levels of cell signaling. Endocrinology 147 2442–2457. Tahara S, Fukuda K, Kodama H, Kato T, Miyoshi S & Ogawa S 2001 Potassium channel blocker activates extracellular signal-regulated kinases through Pyk2 and epidermal growth factor recepto ~~~
  5. ...pregnancy adaptation of UAEC at the level of Ca2C signaling. Journal of Endocrinology (2006) 190, 373–384 (eNOS) activation, because thus far it has been shown to stimulate both Ca2C and kinase signaling and further we have established that eNOS activity is controlled through both pathways (Bird et ~~~
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