Searching journal content for peptic ulcers (as phrase) in full text.

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  1. ...peptic ulcers f stress f Helicobacter pylori f inflammatory bowel disease f brain-gut axis Journal of Endocrinology (2017) 232, F1–F5 Focused Review F2Stress-brain-gut axis DOI: 10.1530/JOE-16-0547 g fink © 2017 Society for Endocrinology Printed in Great Britain Pu ~~~
  2. ...peptic ulcers and gastro-esophageal reflux. The number of prescriptions of PPIs in the USA increased from 134 to 150 million per year from 2007 to 2011, with the PPI omeprazole alone being the sixth most prescribed drug in the US in 2011 (IMS 2012). The consequences of longterm acid inhibition, howe ~~~
  3. ...peptic ulcers . Brain Research. Molecular Brain Research 34 309 – 314 doi:10.1016/0169-328X(95)00183-S . ↵ Lambrecht NWG , Yakubov I , Zer C & Sachs G 2006 Transcriptomes of purified gastric ECL and parietal cells: identification of a novel pathway regulating acid secretion . Physiological Genom ~~~
  4. ...peptic ulcers ~~~
  5. ...peptic ulcers ~~~
  6. ...peptic ulcers ~~~
  7. ...peptic ulcers ~~~
  8. ...peptic ulcers : the survival time of TX animals receiving T4 + vehicle com¬ pared with that of controls was 42 + 3 and 109 + 5 h, respectively. However, time of perforation of the histamine-induced peptic ulcers in TX animals receiving T4 + P-CT was not significantly accelerated compared with that o ~~~
  9. ...peptic ulcers which are similar to spontaneous ones (Garb, Soule, Bartholomew & Cain, 1965). Determinations of plasma concentration and urinary excretion of corticosteroids in patients with peptic ulcer failed to detect differences from normal subjects. However, it is likely that the quantitative ch ~~~
  10. ...peptic ulcers which had not remitted with out-patient therapy; sedative and antacid therapy were given as necessary. One subject (case 5) had fragilitas ossium and one (case 10) had carcinoma of the breast for which local mastectomy and bilateral oophorectomy had been per¬ formed 19 days before trea ~~~
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