Searching journal content for nesfatin-1 (as phrase) in full text.

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  1. ...DOI: 10.1530/JOE-17-0151 2017 Society for Endocrinology Printed in Great Britain Published by Bioscientifica Ltd. 111122r dore and others Nesfatin-1 and BAT thermogenesisResearch 235:2 10.1530/JOE-17-0151 RiccardoDore1, LukaLevata1, SogolGachkar1, Olaf ~~~
  2. ...DOI: 10.1530/JOE-16-0361 2017 Society for Endocrinology Printed in Great Britain Published by Bioscientifica Ltd. R45R65r dore and others Nesfatin-1: functions and physiologyReview 232:1 10.1530/JOE-16-0361 RiccardoDore, LukaLevata, HendrikLehnert and Carla ~~~
  3. ...Correspondence should be addressed to H S Randeva Email both centrally and in peripheral tissues, and appears to have potent metabolic actions. NUCB2/nesfatin neurons are activated in response to stress. Central nesfatin-1 adminis" apoptosis Journal of Endocrinology (2015) 226, 111 cal ~~~
  4. ..., Citil C & Gungor S 2012 Nesfatin-1 and other hormone alterations in polycystic ovary syndrome. Endocrine 42 694699. (doi:10.1007/ s12020-012-9638-7) Despres JP, Moorjani S, Lupien PJ, Tremblay A, Nadeau A & Bouchard C 1990 Regional distribution of body ~~~
  5. ...RAPID COMMUNICATION g G Scho ca) mRNA, and nesfatin-1 immunoreactivity (ir) in the islets of normal mice and in the islets from mice with streptozotocinpancreatic islets of mice with type 1 diabetes, while a significant increase was observed in the islets of DIO mice. Together, our (Stengel et al ~~~
  6. ...(Lambrecht et al. 2006). Most recently, the hypothalamic nesfatin-1 peptide was revealed in gastric ghrelin- and somatostatin-containing cells, with changes in connection with the nutritional status (Stengel et al. 2009). We address the localisation and heterogeneity of several, including some novel, VGF ~~~
  7. ...NUCB2 and related fragments in metabolic processes, we 255Journal of Endocrinology (2010) 204, 255263Conversely, administration of nesfatin-1 antiserum or antisense oligonucleotides stimulates food intake. In contrast, no have examined the distribution and co-expression of NUCB2 with four major ~~~
  8. .... 2004), brain FAS appears likely to require melanocortin signaling in the control of food intake and energy expenditure (Shimokawa et al. 2002, Aja et al. 2006). The final example of leptin-independent melanocortin signaling is the hypothalamic role of nesfatin-1 signaling in the regulation of food ~~~
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