Searching journal content for innate immune cells (as phrase) in full text.

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  1. ...innate immune cells ~~~
  2. ...innate immune cells (De Vito et al. 2011). However, very few of these studies analyse the mechanisms behind the effects of TH or the role of intracellular TH metabolism in innate immune cells. In recent years, the role of TH metabolism in innate immune cell function has been studied in more detail, ~~~
  3. ...innate immune cells and signaling pathways. Cellular Immunology 294 63–69. (doi:10.1016/j. cellimm.2015.01.018) Li S, Li S, Hydery T, Juan Y, Lin WY, Kogan B, Mannikarottu A, Leggett RE, Schule C & Levin RM 2009 The effect of 2- and 4-week ovariectomy on female rabbit urinary bladder function. Urolo ~~~
  4. ...innate immune cells that links to metabolic adaption (Naylor & Petri 2016). Furthermore, some studies show that leptin increases energy expenditure given that ob/ob mice display hypo-metabolic rate and decreased oxygen Figure 2 The physiological functions of adipokines. Adipokines, the cytokines der ~~~
  5. ...innate immune cells ~~~
  6. ...innate immune cells . European Journal of Immunology 38 2981 – 2992 . ( doi:10.1002/eji.200838761 ) ↵ Segreti J , Gheusi G , Dantzer R , Kelley KW & Johnson RW 1997 Defect in interleukin-1β secretion prevents sickness behavior in C3H/HeJ mice . Physiology & Behavior 61 873 – 878 . ( doi:10.1 ~~~
  7. ...innate immune cells requires further delineation. Differentiating the type of macrophage using just iNOS and Arg1 did not reveal a particular polarity of activation, however, considering that the elevated markers overall were proinflammatory (IL1b and IL6) and the markers Arg1 and IL10 (M2 associate ~~~
  8. ...innate immune cells and initiating insulitis, promoting T cellmediated adaptive immune responses, and impairing FOXP3 expression, thereby suppressing TREG activity in autoimmune disorders (Brahmachari & Pahan 2010). NAC treatment reduced the severity of the insulitic lesion in DRlyp/lyp rats but did ~~~
  9. ...innate immune cells ~~~
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