Searching journal content for hypertension (as phrase) in full text.

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  1. ...hypertension ~~~
  2. ...hypertension (Garrison et al. 1987). Among other hormonal systems, the renin-41 angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) has been established as a major determinant of obesity-42 induced hypertension (Rahmouni et al. 2005). The RAAS is activated in the fat tissue of obese rats 43 and humans (Giacchetti ~~~
  3. ...hypertension ~~~
  4. ...hypertension ~~~
  5. ...hypertension in rats. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 208 447–455. (doi:10.1006/bbrc.1995.1358) Thompson B & Towler DA 2012 Arterial calcification and bone physiology: role of the bone-vascular axis. Nature Reviews Endocrinology 8 529–543. (doi:10.1038/nrendo.2012.36) Utting J, R ~~~
  6. ...hypertension ~~~
  7. ...hypertension ~~~
  8. ...hypertension and hyperlipidaemia (syndrome X): relation to reduced fetal growth. Diabetologia 36 62–67. (doi:10.1007/BF00399095) Bazaes RA, Salazar TE, Pittaluga E, Peña V, Alegría A, Íñiguez G, Ong KK, Dunger DB & Mericq MV 2003 Glucose and lipid metabolism in small for gestational age infants at 4 ~~~
  9. ...hypertension in rats. 869 Hypertens Res, 38, 237-43. 870 SUN, H. X., LU, N., LIU, D. M., ZHAO, L., SUN, L. H., ZHAO, H. Y., LIU, J. M. & TAO, B. 2016. The 871 bone-preserving effects of exendin-4 in ovariectomized rats. Endocrine, 51, 323-32. 872 SUN, H. X., LU, N., LUO, X., ZHAO, L. & LIU, J. M. 20 ~~~
  10. ...hypertension ~~~
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