Searching journal content for fatty acids (as phrase) in full text.

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  1. ...fatty acids (NEFA) with the NEFA-HR(2) kit (Wako Diagnostics, Richmond, VA, USA), and total cholesterol and cholesterol fractions with a Cholesterol Quantitation Kit and with a HDL and LDL/VLDL Cholesterol Quantification Kit (Biovision) (Study 1) or Cholesterol Fluorometric Assay kit (Cayman Chemica ~~~
  2. ...fatty acids in the pancreatic extracts was determined to be similar comparing the two genotypes (Fig. 3C). There are several possible pathways that could underlie the increase in diet-induced lipid deposition in the pancreas of Stk25 transgenic mice such as enhanced lipid synthesis from one side (in ~~~
  3. ...fatty acids in myofibres (Mera et al. 2016a,b). These nutrients, in turn, facilitate physical adaptation to exercise, whilst concurrently promoting the exerciseinduced release of interleukin-6 (IL-6) from skeletal muscle. IL-6 further drives the production of bioactive OCN, supporting the hypothesis ~~~
  4. ...fatty acids (PUFA) coupled with under-consumption of n-3 PUFA resulting in LGCI and, along with the subsequent increased presence of reactive oxygen species, leads to a shift in mesenchymal stem cells (MSC, precursors for both osteoblasts and adipocytes) lineage commitment toward increased adipogene ~~~
  5. ...fatty acids and glucose. Several studies have identified genetic variants in STEAP4 that are 49 associated with numerous metabolic disorders. In line with the hypothesis that defects in 50 STEAP4 are implicated in metabolic disorders, expression of Steap4 is associated with 51 protection against inf ~~~
  6. ...fatty acids (0.5 mM and 1 mM) increased intracellular 413 TG concentrations (Supplementary Fig. 2A), up-regulated the expression of miR-383, 414 miR-34a and miR-146b expression, and down-regulated TRb and Dio1 relative 415 expression (Supplementary Fig. 2B), as well as protein levels (Supplementary ~~~
  7. ...fatty acids upregulate expression of gluconeogenic, beta-oxidative, lipogenic and ketogenic genes, promoting hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia and ketosis. The typical hormonal environment in fatty liver disease consists of hyperinsulinemia, hyperglucagonemia, hypercortisolemia, growth hormone deficienc ~~~
  8. ...fatty acids and thus, cannot be synthesized innately but only obtained through the diet. High-fat diets (HFD; daily caloric intake that exceeds body requirements) are indeed detrimental to health as they can be a potent contributor to lipid accumulation throughout the body and thus, can lead to weig ~~~
  9. ...fatty acids (FA), eicosanoids and other lipids (Coe & Bernlohr 1998, Zimmerman & Veerkamp 2002), thus taking part in the regulation of lipid trafficking and responses at the cellular level (Furuhashi & Hotamisligil 2008, Furuhashi  et  al. 2011). Specifically, FABPs have been proposed to actively fa ~~~
  10. ...fatty acids (FFA) measurement (NEFA-HR kit, Wako Diagnostics), according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Statistical analysis Data are expressed as the mean ± s.e.m., and calculations were performed using GraphPad Software (Ver. Prism 5 and Prism 6). Percent reversibility of all parameters was c ~~~
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