Searching journal content for cytokines (as phrase) in full text.

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  1. ...cytokines and vascular 107 growth factors which facilitates vascular invasion and gradual mineralization of the ECM 108 surrounding the hypertrophic chondrocyte. The cartilaginous ECM is gradually replaced by a 109 bony ECM (rich in type I collagen), when apoptosis of the hypertrophic chondrocytes o ~~~
  2. ...cytokines are increased. These 322 cytokines exert their action via the NFκB, ERK1/2 and AP1 signal transduction pathways. 323 NFκB and AP1 response elements have been characterized in the D2 promoter (Gereben and 324 Salvatore 2005; Zeold, et al. 2006), suggesting that activation of these pathways ~~~
  3. ...cytokines such as IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-10 displayed slight differences between treated and untreated groups (Fig. 5B). These results suggest that Rg3 has a role in reducing the amount of FFA in blood and the mRNA levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF-α in white fat tissue. The reduction in both ~~~
  4. ...cytokines are secreted in response to exercise and cytokine signaling may play a pivotal role in the training adaptations. To investigate the importance of cytokine signaling during vertical ladder climbing, a resistance exercise model, we produced mice lacking SOCS3 protein exclusively in steroidog ~~~
  5. ...cytokines (EGF, HB-EGF, LIF 81 and IL-1), hormones (hCG and progesterone), MMPs, which degrade the extracellular matrix of the 82 uterine endometrium and TIMPS (which limit the extent of trophoblast invasion). The balance 83 between MMPs and TIMPs strongly influences the process of invasion (Staun-R ~~~
  6. ...cytokines and inflammasome component molecules in the eWAT and liver To examine the effects of eplerenone on the obesityassociated chronic inflammation, we analyzed the mRNA levels of proinflammatory cytokines. Expression of proIl1b, Il6 and Tnfa was significantly increased both in the eWAT and live ~~~
  7. ...cytokines and cells on a beat-to-beat basis allows for the proper functioning of bone and bone marrow on a daily basis. This review presents evidence of how the vascular system contributes to bone health and presents information on bone anabolic agents that also control bone blood vessels and bone b ~~~
  8. ...cytokines differentially regulate adipocyte mitochondrial metabolism, oxidative stress, and dynamics. American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism 306 E1033–E1045. (doi:10.1152/ajpendo.00422.2013) Hansen JS, Pedersen BK, Xu G, Lehmann R, Weigert C & Plomgaard P 2016 Exercise-induced ~~~
  9. ...cytokines and growth factors (Andoniadou et 497 al. 2012, 2013), suggesting a potential paracrine model of tumour induction and 498 maintenance. In this model, the oncogene-sustaining stem cells induce the formation of 499 CSCs, which act as the tumour cell of origin giving rise to the bulk of tumou ~~~
  10. ...cytokines after 15 weeks of Porphyromonas gingivalis infections ( Yuan et al . 2013 ). Dual deficiency of NOD2 and ApoE appears to exacerbate impairing lipoprotein profiles, exhibiting chronic inflammation. The discrepancy between two findings could be due to the differences of environment and/or du ~~~
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