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Contents: June 1982, Volume 93, Number 3   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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T Janaky, FA Laszlo, F Sirokman, and JL Morgat
Biological half-life and organ distribution of [3H]8-arginine-vasopressin in the rat
J Endocrinol 1982 93: 295-303. [Abstract]  

G Auf and R Ghanadian
Characterization and measurement of cytoplasmic and nuclear oestradiol-17 beta-receptor proteins in benign hypertrophied human prostate
J Endocrinol 1982 93: 305-317. [Abstract]  

VT Ang and JS Jenkins
Blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier to arginine-vasopressin, desmopressin and desglycinamide arginine-vasopressin in the dog
J Endocrinol 1982 93: 319-325. [Abstract]  

CR Clark, NJ MacLusky, and F Naftolin
Unfilled nuclear oestrogen receptors in the rat brain and pituitary gland
J Endocrinol 1982 93: 327-338. [Abstract]  

CR Clark, NJ MacLusky, and F Naftolin
Oestrogen induction of progestin receptors in the rat brain and pituitary gland: quantitative and kinetic aspects
J Endocrinol 1982 93: 339-353.  

F Piva, P Limonta, and L Martini
Role of the organum vasculosum laminae terminalis in the control of gonadotrophin secretion in rats
J Endocrinol 1982 93: 355-364. [Abstract]  

R Stolp, RJ Croughs, JC Meijer, and A Rijnberk
Plasma cortisol response to thyrotrophin releasing hormone and luteinizing hormone releasing hormone in healthy kennel dogs and in dogs with pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism
J Endocrinol 1982 93: 365-369. [Abstract]  

H Humphries, SM Dirmikis, and DS Munro
Comparison of human and porcine thyroid membranes for radioreceptor assay of bovine thyrotrophin and thyrotrophin-binding inhibiting immunoglobulins
J Endocrinol 1982 93: 371-380. [Abstract]  

PA Denning-Kendall, JP Sumpter, and PJ Lowry
Peptides derived from pro-opiocortin in the pituitary gland of the dogfish, Squalus acanthias
J Endocrinol 1982 93: 381-390. [Abstract]  

JP Ashby, D Shirling, and JD Baird
Differential changes in body composition during growth and progesterone treatment in intact female rats
J Endocrinol 1982 93: 391-395. [Abstract]  

B Lejeune, F Puissant, M Camus, and F Leroy
Induction of implantation in the rat by intraparametrial injection of uterine RNA from oestrogen-treated animals
J Endocrinol 1982 93: 397-402. [Abstract]  

MB Hodgins, JB Hay, and JB Donnelly
Human skin androgen metabolism and preliminary evidence for its control by two forms of 17 beta-hydroxysteroid oxidoreductase
J Endocrinol 1982 93: 403-413. [Abstract]  

DG Armstrong
3 beta-hydroxy-delta 5-steroid dehydrogenase activity in the rapidly growing ovarian follicles of the domestic fowl (Gallus domesticus)
J Endocrinol 1982 93: 415-421. [Abstract]  

GE Webley and E Johnson
Effect of ovariectomy on the course of gestation in the grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis)
J Endocrinol 1982 93: 423-426. [Abstract]  

JE Bolton, JH Livesey, and RA Donald
Metabolic clearance rate in sheep of a met-enkephalin analogue estimated by radioimmunoassay
J Endocrinol 1982 93: 427-433. [Abstract]  

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