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Contents: May 1982, Volume 93, Number 2   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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A Lopez Bernal, AB Anderson, and AC Turnbull
Cortisol:cortisone interconversion by human decidua in relation to parturition: effect of tissue manipulation on 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity
J Endocrinol 1982 93: 141-149. [Abstract]  

MC Holmes, G Di Renzo, U Beckford, B Gillham, and MT Jones
Role of serotonin in the control of secretion of corticotrophin releasing factor
J Endocrinol 1982 93: 151-160.  

T Higuchi and M Kawakami
Luteinizing hormone responses to repeated injections of luteinizing hormone releasing hormone in the rat during the oestrous cycle and after ovariectomy with or without oestrogen treatment
J Endocrinol 1982 93: 161-168. [Abstract]  

M Chowdhury, Grotjan HE, Jr, and E Steinberger
Further characterization of the molecular species formed during the biosynthesis of rat luteinizing hormone
J Endocrinol 1982 93: 169-176. [Abstract]  

J Segal, BR Troen, and SH Ingbar
Influence of age and sex on the concentrations of thyroid hormone in serum in the rat
J Endocrinol 1982 93: 177-181. [Abstract]  

BD Schanbacher, MJ D'Occhio, and JE Kinder
Initiation of spermatogenesis and testicular growth in oestradiol-17 beta-implanted bull calves with pulsatile infusion of luteinizing hormone releasing hormone
J Endocrinol 1982 93: 183-192. [Abstract]  

AJ Carrillo and KL Evans
Electrochemical stimulation of the preoptic area and release of luteinizing hormone in the rat: the effects of ferrous and ferric ions
J Endocrinol 1982 93: 193-199.  

Y Touitou, J Sulon, A Bogdan, C Touitou, A Reinberg, H Beck, JC Sodoyez, E Demey-Ponsart, and H Van Cauwenberge
Adrenal circadian system in young and elderly human subjects: a comparative study
J Endocrinol 1982 93: 201-210. [Abstract]  

DS Carter, J Herbert, and PM Stacey
Modulation of gonadal activity by timed injections of melatonin in pinealectomized or intact ferrets kept under two photoperiods
J Endocrinol 1982 93: 211-222.  

RF Weber, MP Ooms, and JT Vreeburg
Effects of prolactin-secreting tumour on copulatory behaviour in male rats
J Endocrinol 1982 93: 223-229. [Abstract]  

RD Gill and IC Hart
Hepatic receptors for insulin and glucagon in relation to plasma hormones and metabolites in pregnant and unmated ewes
J Endocrinol 1982 93: 231-238. [Abstract]  

Z Acs, FA Antoni, and GB Makara
Corticoliberin and somatoliberin activity in the pituitary stalk median eminence of rats after neonatal treatment with monosodium glutamate
J Endocrinol 1982 93: 239-245. [Abstract]  

HM Charlton, D Parry, DM Halpin, and R Webb
Distribution of 125I-labelled follicle-stimulating hormone and human chorionic gonadotrophin in the gonads of hypogonadal (hpg) mice
J Endocrinol 1982 93: 247-252. [Abstract]  

VA Randall, FJ Ebling, and G Hargreaves
In-vivo uptake and metabolism of testosterone by the skin and other tissues of the rat
J Endocrinol 1982 93: 253-266.  

SC Wilson, FJ Cunningham, and TR Morris
Diurnal changes in the plasma concentrations of corticosterone, luteinizing hormone and progesterone during sexual development and the ovulatory cycle of Khaki Campbell ducks
J Endocrinol 1982 93: 267-277.  

DJ Flint
Regulation of insulin receptors by prolactin in lactating rat mammary gland
J Endocrinol 1982 93: 279-285. [Abstract]  

L Ambler, HP Bennett, AM Hudson, and C McMartin
Fate of human corticotrophin immediately after intravenous administration to the rat
J Endocrinol 1982 93: 287-292. [Abstract]  

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