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Contents: August 1980, Volume 86, Number 2   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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OC Pereira, ZP Picarelli, and H Hayashi
Changes in the adenohypophysis and genital tract of cryptorchid rats: some morphological and pharmacological aspects
J Endocrinol 1980 86: 195-203. [Abstract]  

S Jackson and PJ Lowry
Distribution of adrenocorticotrophic and lipotrophic peptides in the rat
J Endocrinol 1980 86: 205-219. [Abstract]  

K Boer, J Dogterom, and HF Pronker
Pituitary content of oxytocin, vasopressin and alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone in the fetus of the rat during labour
J Endocrinol 1980 86: 221-229. [Abstract]  

V Clement-Jones, PJ Lowry, LH Rees, and GM Besser
Development of a specific extracted radioimmunoassay for methionine enkephalin in human plasma and cerebrospinal fluid
J Endocrinol 1980 86: 231-243. [Abstract]  

JM Gasc, M Sar, and WE Stumpf
Immunocharacteristics of oestrogen and androgen target cells in the anterior pituitary gland of the chick embryo as demonstrated by a combined method of autoradiography and immunohistochemistry
J Endocrinol 1980 86: 245-250. [Abstract]  

J Balthazart, JD Blaustein, MF Cheng, and HH Feder
Hormones modulate the concentration of cytoplasmic progestin receptors in the brain of male ring doves (Streptopelia risoria)
J Endocrinol 1980 86: 251-261. [Abstract]  

S Franks, P Ball, F Naftolin, and KB Ruf
Effect of catechol oestrogens on induced ovulation in the immature rat
J Endocrinol 1980 86: 263-268. [Abstract]  

Z Ilan and Z Yaron
Stimulation of cortisol secretion in vitro from the interrenal tissue of the cichlid fish, Sarotherodon aureus, by adrenocorticotrophin or cyclic AMP
J Endocrinol 1980 86: 269-277.  

TJ Hayden, CR Thomas, SV Smith, and IA Forsyth
Placental lactogen in the goat in relation to stage of gestation, number of fetuses, metabolites, progesterone and time of day
J Endocrinol 1980 86: 279-290. [Abstract]  

JM Zanelli and RE Gaines Das
International collaborative study of N.I.B.S.C. research standard for human parathyroid hormone for immunoassay
J Endocrinol 1980 86: 291-304. [Abstract]  

EM Wintour, JP Coghlan, KJ Hardy, BE Lingwood, M Rayner, and BA Scoggins
Placental transfer of aldosterone in the sheep
J Endocrinol 1980 86: 305-310. [Abstract]  

DE Wandscheer, ML Alessio, and W Ladosky
Effects of progesterone and its interaction with oestradiol in hypothalamic and raphe nuclei on luteinizing hormone in plasma
J Endocrinol 1980 86: 311-317.  

ER Kuhn, EJ Nouwen, L Nieuwborg, W Heyns, and F Bertiau
Effects of neonatal treatment with oestrogen after ovariectomy on diurnal periodicities in plasma levels of prolactin, thyorotrophin and corticosterone in adult rats
J Endocrinol 1980 86: 319-327.  

JA Millar, MT Hammat, and CI Johnston
Effect of inhibition of converting enzyme on inactive renin in the circulation of salt-replete and salt-deplete normal subjects
J Endocrinol 1980 86: 329-335. [Abstract]  

AP Ricketts and AP Flint
Onset of synthesis of progesterone by ovine placenta
J Endocrinol 1980 86: 337-347. [Abstract]  

JC Peek and WB Watkins
Synergism between bovine seminal plasma extract and testosterone propionate in suppressing serum concentrations of gonadotrophins in acutely castrated rats: a role for inhibin
J Endocrinol 1980 86: 349-355. [Abstract]  

T Muraki, T Nakadate, Y Tokunaga, and R Kato
Effect of morphine on the release of thyroid-stimulating hormone stimulated by exposure to cold, thyroidectomy and the administration of thyrotrophin releasing hormone in male rats
J Endocrinol 1980 86: 357-362. [Abstract]  

RN Barton and BJ Passingham
Evidence for a role of glucocorticoids in the development of insulin resistance after ischaemic limb injury in the rat
J Endocrinol 1980 86: 363-370. [Abstract]  

AR Goldsmith and DM Williams
Incubation in mallards (Anas platyrhynchos): changes in plasma levels of prolactin and luteinizing hormone
J Endocrinol 1980 86: 371-379. [Abstract]  

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