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Contents: July 1980, Volume 86, Number 1   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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RL Sutherland, SM Evans, and CH Tyndale-Biscoe
Macropodid marsupial luteinizing hormone: validation of assay procedures and changes in concentrations in plasma during the oestrous cycle in the female tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii)
J Endocrinol 1980 86: 1-12. [Abstract]  

SM Evans, CH Tyndale-Biscoe, and RL Sutherland
Control of gonadotrophin secretion in the female tammar wallaby (macropus eugenii)
J Endocrinol 1980 86: 13-23. [Abstract]  

PC Catling and RL Sutherland
Effect of gonadectomy, season and the presence of female tammar wallabies (Macropus eugenii) on concentrations of testosterone, luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone in the plasma of male tammar wallabies
J Endocrinol 1980 86: 25-33. [Abstract]  

AD de los Rios, M Labajos, A Manteca, M Morell, and A Souviron
Stimulatory action of angiotensin II on water and electrolyte transport by the proximal colon of the rat
J Endocrinol 1980 86: 35-43. [Abstract]  

WY Ling, MT Williams, and JM Marsh
Correlation of cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP accumulation and steroidogenesis during stimulation of bovine luteal cells with luteinizing hormone
J Endocrinol 1980 86: 45-52. [Abstract]  

G Vandoren, P De Moor, and G Verhoeven
Influence of neonatal androgenization on the response of alpha 2u-globulin to testosterone and dexamethasone in the rat
J Endocrinol 1980 86: 53-59. [Abstract]  

JF Wilson and FM Harry
Release, distribution and half-life of alpha-melanotrophin in the rat
J Endocrinol 1980 86: 61-67. [Abstract]  

A Mode, P Eneroth, JA Gustafsson, T Hokfelt, and P Skett
Effects of hypothalamic deafferentation at different levels on metabolism of hepatic steroids in rats
J Endocrinol 1980 86: 69-77. [Abstract]  

WP Hermans, EC van Leeuwen, MH Debets, and FH de Jong
Involvement of inhibin in the regulation of follicle-stimulating hormone concentrations in prepubertal and adult, male and female rats
J Endocrinol 1980 86: 79-92. [Abstract]  

JA Glickman, JE Patrick, and Challis, JR
Increase in the response to adrenocorticotrophin of isolated maternal adrenal cells from sheep in late pregnancy
J Endocrinol 1980 86: 93-100. [Abstract]  

JO Willoughby
Pinealectomy mildly disturbs the secretory patterns of prolactin and growth hormone in the unstressed rat
J Endocrinol 1980 86: 101-107.  

M de Quijada, HA Timmermans, and SW Lamberts
Tamoxifen suppresses both the growth of prolactin-secreting pituitary tumours and normal prolactin synthesis in the rat
J Endocrinol 1980 86: 109-116. [Abstract]  

RM Sharpe, FC Wu, and TB Hargreave
Binding of human chorionic gonadotrophin to testicular biopsy tissue from infertile men and the effect of prior treatment with human chorionic gonadotrophin
J Endocrinol 1980 86: 117-125. [Abstract]  

MS Erskine, JI Marcus, and MJ Baum
Absence of a diurnal rhythm in lordosis behaviour induced by oestrogen in gonadectomized rats
J Endocrinol 1980 86: 127-134. [Abstract]  

SJ Main, RV Davies, and BP Setchell
Effects of passive immunization against testosterone on serum and pituitary gonadotrophins: implications for the relative importance of androgens and inhibin in the control of gonadotrophin secretion in the male rat
J Endocrinol 1980 86: 135-146. [Abstract]  

RA Prysor-Jones and JS Jenkins
Effect of bromocriptine, ergotamine and other ergot alkaloids on the hormone secretion and growth of a rat pituitary tumour
J Endocrinol 1980 86: 147-153. [Abstract]  

BM White, AA Gidley-Baird, and CW Emmens
Effects of adrenalectomy on reproduction in the mouse
J Endocrinol 1980 86: 155-164. [Abstract]  

JO Willoughby, M Menadue, P Zeegers, PH Wise, and Oliver, JR
Effects of human growth hormone on the secretion of rat growth hormone
J Endocrinol 1980 86: 165-169. [Abstract]  

N Jenkins and JM Dodd
Effects of synthetic mammalian gonadotrophin releasing hormone and dogfish hypothalamic extracts on levels of androgens and oestradiol in the circulation of the dogfish (Scyliorhinus canicula L.)
J Endocrinol 1980 86: 171-177. [Abstract]  

YC Toh
Effect of ovariectomy at birth on the regulation of sebaceous glands in rats
J Endocrinol 1980 86: 179-182. [Abstract]  

J Falconer, JM Forbes, JA Bines, JH Roy, and IC Hart
Somatomedin-like activity in cattle: the effect of breed, lactation and time of day
J Endocrinol 1980 86: 183-188. [Abstract]  

SC Bell
Effects of oestradiol and progesterone on the concentration of alpha 2-macroglobulin in the sera of injured male and female rats
J Endocrinol 1980 86: 189-191. [Abstract]  

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