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Contents: July 1977, Volume 74, Number 1   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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DR Bard and I Lasnitzki
The influence of oestradiol on the metabolism of androgens by human prostatic tissue
J Endocrinol 1977 74: 1-9. [Abstract]  

M Wilkinson, D De Ziegler, D Cassard, and KB Ruf
In-vitro studies of the effects of oestrogen pretreatment on the sensitivity of the immature female rat pituitary gland to stimulation with gonadotrophin releasing hormone
J Endocrinol 1977 74: 11-21. [Abstract]  

Baker, JR, HP Bennett, RA Christian, and C McMartin
Renal uptake and metabolism of adrenocorticotrophin analogues in the rat: an autoradiographic study
J Endocrinol 1977 74: 23-35. [Abstract]  

MF Cheng
Role of gonadotrophin releasing hormones in the reproductive behaviour of female ring doves (Streptopelia risoria)
J Endocrinol 1977 74: 37-45. [Abstract]  

I Lasnitzki and T Mizuno
Induction of the rat prostate gland by androgens in organ culture
J Endocrinol 1977 74: 47-55. [Abstract]  

RL Hauger, YD Chen, RP Kelch, and AH Payne
Pituitary regulation of Leydig cell function in the adult male rat
J Endocrinol 1977 74: 57-66. [Abstract]  

W Beck and W Wuttke
Desensitization of the dopaminergic inhibition of pituitary luteinizing hormone release by prolactin in ovariectomized rats
J Endocrinol 1977 74: 67-74. [Abstract]  

R Jones
Effects of testosterone, testosterone metabolites and anti-androgens on the function of the male accessory glands in the rabbit and rat
J Endocrinol 1977 74: 75-88. [Abstract]  

TF Ogle and JI Kitay
Ovarian and adrenal steroids during pregnancy and the oestrous cycle in the rat
J Endocrinol 1977 74: 89-98.  

D De Ziegler, M Wilkinson, D Cassard, and KB Ruf
Anterior pituitary sensitivity in immature female rats stimulated with gonadotrophin releasing hormone in vivo: effect of priming with oestrogen, pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin or brain lesion
J Endocrinol 1977 74: 99-109.  

RA Cowan, SK Cowan, JK Grant, and HY Elder
Biochemical investigations of separated epithelium and stroma from benign hyperplastic prostatic tissue
J Endocrinol 1977 74: 111-120. [Abstract]  

BS Misanko, YS Park, and S Solomon
Effect of hypophysectomy on p-aminohippurate transport kinetics in rat renal cortical slices
J Endocrinol 1977 74: 121-128. [Abstract]  

B Shapiro and BL Pimstone
A phylogenetic study of sulphation factor activity in 26 species
J Endocrinol 1977 74: 129-135. [Abstract]  

Blair-West, JR, JP Coghlan, DA Denton, AP Gibson, CJ Oddie, WH Sawyer, and BA Scoggins
Plasma renin activity and blood corticosteroids in the Australian lungfish Neoceratodus forsteri
J Endocrinol 1977 74: 137-142. [Abstract]  

JA Moguilevsky, P Scacchi, and L Rubinstein
Effect of neonatal androgenization on luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, prolactin and testosterone levels in male rats
J Endocrinol 1977 74: 143-144.  

K Kendall, J Jumawan, O Koldovsky, and L Krulich
Effect of the host hormonal status on development of sucrase and acid beta-galactosidase in isografts of rat small intestine
J Endocrinol 1977 74: 145-146.  

PH Jellinck and AM Newcombe
Induction of peroxidase in the rat uterus under various endocrine conditions
J Endocrinol 1977 74: 147-148.  

G Pointis and JA Mahoudeau
Responsiveness of foetal mouse testis to gonadotrophins at various times during sexual differentiation
J Endocrinol 1977 74: 149-150.  

S Gombe and CB Katongole
Plasma testosterone levels in donkeys in the tropics
J Endocrinol 1977 74: 151-152.  

BA Larson, YN Sinha, and WP Vanderlaan
Effect of 5-hydroxytryptophan on prolactin secretion in the mouse
J Endocrinol 1977 74: 153-154.  

VS Fang, DA Zimo, and R Byyny
Pituitary response to metoclopramide in the rat
J Endocrinol 1977 74: 155-156.  

D Blanchi and A Guardabassi
Changes in neuromast chemosensitivity in Xenopus laevis kept under various environmental conditions
J Endocrinol 1977 74: 157-158.  

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