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Contents: June 1977, Volume 73, Number 3   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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MT Jones, EW Hillhouse, and JL Burden
Dynamics and mechanics of corticosteroid feedback at the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary gland
J Endocrinol 1977 73: 405-417. [Abstract]  

F Stewart, WR Allen, and RM Moor
Influence of foetal genotype on the follicle-stimulating hormone:luteinizing hormone ratio of pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin
J Endocrinol 1977 73: 419-425. [Abstract]  

TM Louis, DM Parry, JS Robinson, GD Thorburn, and Challis, JR
Effects of exogenous progesterone and oestradiol on prostaglandin F and 13,14-dihydro-15-oxo prostaglandin F2alpha concentrations in uteri and plasma of ovariectomized ewes
J Endocrinol 1977 73: 427-439.  

SR Henderson, C Baker, and G Fink
Oestradiol-17beta and pituitary responsiveness to luteinizing hormone releasing factor in the rat: a study using rectangular pulses of oestradiol-17beta monitored by non-chromatographic radioimmunoassay
J Endocrinol 1977 73: 441-453. [Abstract]  

SR Henderson, C Baker, and G Fink
Effect of oestradiol-17beta exposure on the spontaneous secretion of gonadotrophins in chronically gonadectomized rats
J Endocrinol 1977 73: 455-462. [Abstract]  

DC Johnson and T Sashida
Temporal changes in ovarian ornithine decarboxylase and cyclic AMP in immature rats stimulated by exogenous or endogenous gonadotrophins
J Endocrinol 1977 73: 463-471. [Abstract]  

CG Scanes, PM Godden, and PJ Sharp
An homologous radioimmunoassay for chicken follicle-stimulating hormone: observations on the ovulatory cycle
J Endocrinol 1977 73: 473-481. [Abstract]  

WH Tam
Steroid synthesis in vitro by the placenta of the guinea-pig, and progesterone concentrations in systemic and uterine plasma
J Endocrinol 1977 73: 483-489. [Abstract]  

JW Siebers, F Peters, MT Zenzes, J Schmidtke, and W Engel
Binding of human chorionic gonadotrophin to rat ovary during development
J Endocrinol 1977 73: 491-496. [Abstract]  

K Brown-Grant and MB ter Haar
Impairment of the control of gonadotrophin secretion after oestrogen administration to adult female rats
J Endocrinol 1977 73: 497-505. [Abstract]  

MJ Soares, WD Kalberer, and MJ Erpino
Progestagen effects on elicitation of aggressive behaviour in male mice
J Endocrinol 1977 73: 507-510. [Abstract]  

FF Rommerts, BC Kruger-Sewnarain, JA Grootegoed, and HJ van der Molen
Analysis of androgen-binding protein in media from sertoli cell incubations and cytosols from rat testes
J Endocrinol 1977 73: 511-517. [Abstract]  

GA Lincoln
Changes in pituitary responsiveness to luteinizing hormone releasing hormone in rams exposed to artificial photoperiods
J Endocrinol 1977 73: 519-527. [Abstract]  

K Yamashita and A Amano
Testicular 17-oxosteroid secretion in response to human chorionic gonadotrophin in dogs pretreated with aspirin
J Endocrinol 1977 73: 529-530.  

L Hedlund, MM Lischko, DJ Kesler, and HA Garverick
Examination of calf cerebrospinal fluid and plasma for the presence of luteinizing hormone
J Endocrinol 1977 73: 531-532.  

AS McNeilly, D Gilmore, G Dobbie, and T Chard
Prolactin releasing activity in the early human foetal hypothalamus
J Endocrinol 1977 73: 533-534.  

V Botte and G Granata
Induction of avidin synthesis by RNA obtained from lizard oviducts
J Endocrinol 1977 73: 535-536.  

V Bitton-Casimiri, NC Rath, and A Psychoyos
A simple method for separation and culture of rat uterine epithelial cells
J Endocrinol 1977 73: 537-538.  

T Hirose, I Matsumoto, T Aikawa, and T Suzuki
Effect of histamine on the adrenal secretion of cortisol and corticosterone in hypophysectomized dogs
J Endocrinol 1977 73: 539-540.  

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