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Contents: July 2005, Volume 186, Number 1   [Index by Author]  [Cover Caption]
       Starling Reviews
       Regular papers
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Starling Reviews:

John M C Connell and Eleanor Davies
The new biology of aldosterone
J Endocrinol 2005 186: 1-20. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]  


Yue Chen, Jeffrey D Zajac, and Helen E MacLean
Androgen regulation of satellite cell function
J Endocrinol 2005 186: 21-31. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]  

Regular papers:

Sinead N Kelly, T Joseph McKenna, and Leonie S Young
Coregulatory protein–orphan nuclear receptor interactions in the human adrenal cortex
J Endocrinol 2005 186: 33-42. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]  

José E Sánchez-Criado, Carmina Bellido, Rafaela Aguilar, and José C Garrido-Gracia
A paradoxical inhibitory effect of oestradiol-17ß on GnRH self-priming in pituitaries from tamoxifen-treated rats
J Endocrinol 2005 186: 43-49. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]  

J Varayoud, J G Ramos, L Monje, V Bosquiazzo, M Muñoz-de-Toro, and E H Luque
The estrogen receptor {alpha} 3 mRNA splicing variant is differentially regulated by estrogen and progesterone in the rat uterus
J Endocrinol 2005 186: 51-60. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]  

Guy G T’Sjoen, Yves Beguin, Els Feyen, Robert Rubens, Jean-Marc Kaufman, and Louis Gooren
Influence of exogenous oestrogen or (anti-) androgen administration on soluble transferrin receptor in human plasma
J Endocrinol 2005 186: 61-67. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]  

V L Clifton, R Crompton, M A Read, P G Gibson, R Smith, and I M R Wright
Microvascular effects of corticotropin-releasing hormone in human skin vary in relation to estrogen concentration during the menstrual cycle
J Endocrinol 2005 186: 69-76. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]  

Robert T Chatterton, Jr, Esnar T Mateo, Nanjiang Hou, Alfred W Rademaker, Simbi Acharya, V Craig Jordan, and Monica Morrow
Characteristics of salivary profiles of oestradiol and progesterone in premenopausal women
J Endocrinol 2005 186: 77-84. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]  

Fu-Qing Yu, Chun-Sheng Han, Wei Yang, Xuan Jin, Zhao-Yuan Hu, and Yi-Xun Liu
Activation of the p38 MAPK pathway by follicle-stimulating hormone regulates steroidogenesis in granulosa cells differentially
J Endocrinol 2005 186: 85-96. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]  

Carla Brancia, Paola Nicolussi, Pietro Cappai, Giorgio La Corte, Roberta Possenti, and Gian-Luca Ferri
Differential expression and seasonal modulation of VGF peptides in sheep pituitary
J Endocrinol 2005 186: 97-107. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]  

M-O Faure, L Nicol, S Fabre, J Fontaine, N Mohoric, A McNeilly, and C Taragnat
BMP-4 inhibits follicle-stimulating hormone secretion in ewe pituitary
J Endocrinol 2005 186: 109-121. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]  

C Doyon, V L Trudeau, and T W Moon
Stress elevates corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) and CRF-binding protein mRNA levels in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
J Endocrinol 2005 186: 123-130. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]  

Ingrid Plotton, Pascale Sanchez, Marie Hélène Perrard, Phillipe Durand, and Hervé Lejeune
Quantification of stem cell factor mRNA levels in the rat testis: usefulness of clusterin mRNA as a marker of the amount of mRNA of sertoli cell origin in post pubertal rats
J Endocrinol 2005 186: 131-143. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]  

S Shaikh, F H Bloomfield, M K Bauer, H H Phua, R S Gilmour, and J E Harding
Amniotic IGF-I supplementation of growth-restricted fetal sheep alters IGF-I and IGF receptor type 1 mRNA and protein levels in placental and fetal tissues
J Endocrinol 2005 186: 145-155. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]  

K Katoh, K Yoshioka, H Hayashi, T Mashiko, M Yoshida, Y Kobayashi, and Y Obara
Effects of 5'-uridylic acid feeding on postprandial plasma concentrations of GH, insulin and metabolites in young calves
J Endocrinol 2005 186: 157-163. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]  

J M Fleming, B J Leibowitz, D E Kerr, and W S Cohick
IGF-I differentially regulates IGF-binding protein expression in primary mammary fibroblasts and epithelial cells
J Endocrinol 2005 186: 165-178. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]  

Yi Zhao, Tao Liu, Nina Zhang, Fenghua Yi, Qinghua Wang, Ivan George Fantus, and Tianru Jin
Role of Cdx-2 in insulin and proglucagon gene expression: a study using the RIN-1056A cell line with an inducible gene expression system
J Endocrinol 2005 186: 179-192. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]  

Márcio Pereira-da-Silva, Cláudio T De Souza, Alessandra L Gasparetti, Mário J A Saad, and Lício A Velloso
Melanin-concentrating hormone induces insulin resistance through a mechanism independent of body weight gain
J Endocrinol 2005 186: 193-201. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]  

Simon Klebanov, Clinton M Astle, Olga DeSimone, Vitaly Ablamunits, and David E Harrison
Adipose tissue transplantation protects ob/ob mice from obesity, normalizes insulin sensitivity and restores fertility
J Endocrinol 2005 186: 203-211. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]  

M Asfari, S Berta, S Coffy, M Kergoat, C Charon, and A Audet
Short-term treatment with mycophenolic acid and tacrolimus is tolerogenic for INS-1 cell clone transplantation and the deleterious effects of the drugs are limited: in vivo and in vitro studies
J Endocrinol 2005 186: 213-220. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]  

Patricia Vázquez, Isabel Roncero, Enrique Blázquez, and Elvira Alvarez
The cytoplasmic domain close to the transmembrane region of the glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor contains sequence elements that regulate agonist-dependent internalisation
J Endocrinol 2005 186: 221-231. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]  

T Nanmoku, K Takekoshi, T Fukuda, K Ishii, K Isobe, and Y Kawakami
Stimulation of catecholamine biosynthesis via the PKC pathway by prolactin-releasing peptide in PC12 rat pheochromocytoma cells
J Endocrinol 2005 186: 233-239. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]  

Ola Nilsson, Robert D Mitchum, Jr, Lenneke Schrier, Sandra P Ferns, Kevin M Barnes, James F Troendle, and Jeffrey Baron
Growth plate senescence is associated with loss of DNA methylation
J Endocrinol 2005 186: 241-249. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]  

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Copyright © 2005 by the Society for Endocrinology.