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Contents: May 2005, Volume 185, Number 2   [Index by Author]  [Cover Caption]
       Starling Reviews
       Regular papers
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Starling Reviews:

S R Davis, I Dinatale, L Rivera-Woll, and S Davison
Postmenopausal hormone therapy: from monkey glands to transdermal patches
J Endocrinol 2005 185: 207-222. [Abstract] [Full Text]  


Richard Eastell
Role of oestrogen in the regulation of bone turnover at the menarche
J Endocrinol 2005 185: 223-234. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

Regular papers:

C S A Markides and J G Liehr
Specific binding of 4-hydroxyestradiol to mouse uterine protein: evidence of a physiological role for 4-hydroxyestradiol
J Endocrinol 2005 185: 235-242. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

M Merle Elloso, Kristen Phiel, Ruth A Henderson, Heather A Harris, and Steven J Adelman
Suppression of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis using estrogen receptor-selective ligands
J Endocrinol 2005 185: 243-252. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

Rupasri Ain, Lindsey N Canham, and Michael J Soares
Dexamethasone-induced intrauterine growth restriction impacts the placental prolactin family, insulin-like growth factor-II and the Akt signaling pathway
J Endocrinol 2005 185: 253-263. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

P V Gordon, J B Paxton, and N S Fox
The cellular repressor of E1A-stimulated genes mediates glucocorticoid-induced loss of the type-2 IGF receptor in ileal epithelial cells
J Endocrinol 2005 185: 265-273. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

Wei-Hua Shen, David W Boyle, Paul Wisniowski, Aashia Bade, and Edward A Liechty
Insulin and IGF-I stimulate the formation of the eukaryotic initiation factor 4F complex and protein synthesis in C2C12 myotubes independent of availability of external amino acids
J Endocrinol 2005 185: 275-289. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

L Zhao, Z Li, M Kullin, L A H Borg, and F A Karlsson
Alterations in net glucose uptake and in the pancreatic B-cell GLUT2 transporter induced by diazoxide and by secretory stimuli
J Endocrinol 2005 185: 291-299. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

J G Miquet, A I Sotelo, A Bartke, and D Turyn
Increased SH2-Bß content and membrane association in transgenic mice overexpressing GH
J Endocrinol 2005 185: 301-306. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

B D Green, N Irwin, V A Gault, C J Bailey, F P M O’Harte, and P R Flatt
Chronic treatment with exendin(9–39)amide indicates a minor role for endogenous glucagon-like peptide-1 in metabolic abnormalities of obesity-related diabetes in ob/ob mice
J Endocrinol 2005 185: 307-317. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

M Zerani, C Boiti, C Dall’Aglio, L Pascucci, M Maranesi, G Brecchia, C Mariottini, G Guelfi, D Zampini, and A Gobbetti
Leptin receptor expression and in vitro leptin actions on prostaglandin release and nitric oxide synthase activity in the rabbit oviduct
J Endocrinol 2005 185: 319-325. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

S Van der Geyten and V M Darras
Developmentally defined regulation of thyroid hormone metabolism by glucocorticoids in the rat
J Endocrinol 2005 185: 327-336. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

Lei Ye, Xiaoying Li, Xiangyin Kong, Weiqing Wang, Yufang Bi, Landian Hu, Bin Cui, Xi Li, and Guang Ning
Hypomethylation in the promoter region of POMC gene correlates with ectopic overexpression in thymic carcinoids
J Endocrinol 2005 185: 337-343. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

M R Kraus, A Schäfer, T Bentink, M Scheurlen, B Weissbrich, O Al-Taie, and J Seufert
Sexual dysfunction in males with chronic hepatitis C and antiviral therapy: interferon-induced functional androgen deficiency or depression?
J Endocrinol 2005 185: 345-352. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

To see an article, click its [Full Text] link. To review many abstracts, check the boxes to the left of the titles you want, and click the 'Get All Checked Abstract(s)' button. To see one abstract at a time, click its [Abstract] link.

Copyright © 2005 by the Society for Endocrinology.