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Contents: July 1988, Volume 118, Number 1   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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GM Stewart, CV Addey, CH Knight, and CJ Wilde
Autocrine regulation of casein turnover in goat mammary explants
J Endocrinol 1988 118: R1-R3. [Abstract]  

GT Ooi and AC Herington
The biological and structural characterization of specific serum binding proteins for the insulin-like growth factors
J Endocrinol 1988 118: 7-18. [Abstract]  

CJ Allan and P Skett
Effect of phorbol esters and diacylglycerol on steroid metabolism in isolated rat hepatocytes
J Endocrinol 1988 118: 19-23. [Abstract]  

KG Braslis, A Shulkes, DR Fletcher, and KJ Hardy
Pharmacokinetics and organ-specific metabolism of calcitonin gene-related peptide in sheep
J Endocrinol 1988 118: 25-31. [Abstract]  

JD Buntin, RW Lea, and GR Figge
Reductions in plasma LH concentration and testicular weight in ring doves following intracranial injection of prolactin or growth hormone
J Endocrinol 1988 118: 33-40. [Abstract]  

HL Buttle
Role of the ovaries in inducing mammogenesis in pregnant pigs
J Endocrinol 1988 118: 41-45. [Abstract]  

WD Booth and CA White
The isolation, purification and some properties of pheromaxein, the pheromonal steroid-binding protein, in porcine submaxillary glands and saliva
J Endocrinol 1988 118: 47-57. [Abstract]  

LV DePaolo
Attenuation of preovulatory gonadotrophin surges by epostane: a new inhibitor of 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
J Endocrinol 1988 118: 59-68. [Abstract]  

ST Ellis, RB Heap, AR Butchart, V Rider, NE Richardson, MW Wang, and MJ Taussig
Efficacy and specificity of monoclonal antibodies to progesterone in preventing the establishment of pregnancy in the mouse
J Endocrinol 1988 118: 69-80. [Abstract]  

T Engstrom, A Atke, and H Vilhardt
Receptor-binding characteristics and contractile responsiveness of the myometrium following prolonged infusion of bradykinin and oxytocin in rats
J Endocrinol 1988 118: 81-85. [Abstract]  

JM Fletcher and N McKenzie
The parasympathetic nervous system and glucocorticoid-mediated hyperinsulinaemia in the genetically obese (fa/fa) Zucker rat
J Endocrinol 1988 118: 87-92. [Abstract]  

ML Forcelledo and HB Croxatto
Effects of 4-hydroxyandrostenedione and exogenous testosterone on blood concentrations of oestradiol and oviducal embryo transport in the rat
J Endocrinol 1988 118: 93-100. [Abstract]  

H Hashemzadeh-Gargari, AJ Baertschi, and PG Guyenet
Baroreceptor-independent medullary mechanism for release of vasopressin during hypotension in rats
J Endocrinol 1988 118: 101-111. [Abstract]  

D Maiter, M Maes, LE Underwood, T Fliesen, G Gerard, and JM Ketelslegers
Early changes in serum concentrations of somatomedin-C induced by dietary protein deprivation in rats: contributions of growth hormone receptor and post-receptor defects
J Endocrinol 1988 118: 113-120. [Abstract]  

RJ Rodgers, MD Mitchell, and ER Simpson
Secretion of progesterone and prostaglandins by cells of bovine corpora lutea from three stages of the luteal phase
J Endocrinol 1988 118: 121-126. [Abstract]  

M Schumacher, J Sulon, and J Balthazart
Changes in serum concentrations of steroids during embryonic and post-hatching development of male and female Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica)
J Endocrinol 1988 118: 127-134. [Abstract]  

FM Sidey, HG Dean, and BL Furman
Role of the adrenal medulla in stress-induced hyperinsulinaemia in normal mice and in mice infected with Bordetella pertussis or treated with pertussis toxin
J Endocrinol 1988 118: 135-140. [Abstract]  

S Atkinson, M Hardwick, and P Kendall-Taylor
Thyrotrophin-blocking antibodies in goitrous primary hypothyroidism: detection by a highly sensitive bioassay and determination of site of action
J Endocrinol 1988 118: 141-147. [Abstract]  

EF Adams, NG Coldham, and VH James
Steroidal regulation of oestradiol-17 beta dehydrogenase activity of the human breast cancer cell line MCF-7
J Endocrinol 1988 118: 149-154. [Abstract]  

JM Conlon, L Grimelius, G Wallin, and L Thim
Isolation and structural characterization of thymosin-beta 4 from a human medullary thyroid carcinoma
J Endocrinol 1988 118: 155-159. [Abstract]  

DL Economides, RJ Howell, I Gilbert, LA Perry, and T Chard
Ultra rapid blood sampling for the determination of short-term variations in the circulating concentration of oestradiol in man
J Endocrinol 1988 118: 161-165. [Abstract]  


JA Charlton and PH Baylis
Mechanisms responsible for mediating the antidiuretic action of vasopressin
J Endocrinol 1988 118: 3-6.  

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