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Contents: June 1988, Volume 117, Number 3   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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MC Harris
The endocrinology of cardiovascular control
J Endocrinol 1988 117: 325-328.  

DH Abbott, JK Hodges, and LM George
Social status controls LH secretion and ovulation in female marmoset monkeys (Callithrix jacchus)
J Endocrinol 1988 117: 329-339. [Abstract]  

TA Bramley and GS Menzies
Subcellular fractionation of the porcine corpus luteum: sequestration of progesterone in a unique particulate fraction
J Endocrinol 1988 117: 341-354. [Abstract]  

IJ Clarke
Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone secretion (GnRH) in anoestrous ewes and the induction of GnRH surges by oestrogen
J Endocrinol 1988 117: 355-360. [Abstract]  

YL Zhang, ZX Zhou, YD Zhang, and MG Parker
Expression of androgen receptors and prostatic steroid-binding protein during development of the rat ventral prostate
J Endocrinol 1988 117: 361-366. [Abstract]  

JD Curlewis, MB Renfree, EL Sheldrick, and AP Flint
Mesotocin and luteal function in macropodid marsupials
J Endocrinol 1988 117: 367-372. [Abstract]  

S Durant, D Duval, and F Homo-Delarche
Effect of cortisol on the plasma and lymphoid tissue distributions of tritiated glucocorticoids in C57BL/6 mice
J Endocrinol 1988 117: 373-378. [Abstract]  

CJ Edmonds and CL Willis
Aldosterone in colonic potassium adaptation in rats
J Endocrinol 1988 117: 379-386. [Abstract]  

MJ Evans, JT Brett, RP McIntosh, JE McIntosh, JL McLay, JH Livesey, and RA Donald
Characteristics of the ACTH response to repeated pulses of corticotrophin-releasing factor and arginine vasopressin in vitro
J Endocrinol 1988 117: 387-395. [Abstract]  

ML Forsling and K Peysner
Pituitary and plasma vasopressin concentrations and fluid balance throughout the oestrous cycle of the rat
J Endocrinol 1988 117: 397-402. [Abstract]  

AP Flint
Pertussis toxin-catalysed ADP-ribosylation of endometrial proteins in sheep
J Endocrinol 1988 117: 403-407. [Abstract]  

DS Jones and AP Flint
Concentrations of oxytocin-neurophysin prohormone mRNA in corpora lutea of sheep during the oestrous cycle and in early pregnancy
J Endocrinol 1988 117: 409-414. [Abstract]  

GA Jahn and RP Deis
Effect of serotonin antagonists on prolactin and progesterone secretion in rats: evidence that the stimulatory and inhibitory actions of serotonin on prolactin release may be mediated through different receptors
J Endocrinol 1988 117: 415-422. [Abstract]  

CJ Kenyon, L Anyaorah, L Woodburn, JM Connell, and R Fraser
Stimulation of cortisol production in isolated bovine zona fasciculata cells by phorbol ester: role of ion fluxes
J Endocrinol 1988 117: 423-429. [Abstract]  

PG Knight and RJ Castillo
Effects of bovine follicular fluid on gonadotrophin secretion in intact and chronically ovariectomized ewes before and after desensitization of pituitary gonadotrophs to gonadotrophin-releasing hormone
J Endocrinol 1988 117: 431-439. [Abstract]  

HD Nicholson, AJ Smith, SD Birkett, PA Denning-Kendall, and BT Pickering
Two vasopressin-like peptides in the pig testis?
J Endocrinol 1988 117: 441-446. [Abstract]  

SA Nicholson, M Aslam, TT Chuang, B Gillham, and MT Jones
Effect of difluoromethylornithine on the LH surge and subsequent ovulation in the rat
J Endocrinol 1988 117: 447-453. [Abstract]  

JE Sanchez-Criado, P van der Schoot, and JT Uilenbroek
Evidence for luteotrophic and antiluteolytic actions of prolactin in rats with 5-day oestrous cycles
J Endocrinol 1988 117: 455-460. [Abstract]  

YP Tang and CL Sisk
Differential effects of testosterone, 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone and oestradiol-17 beta on plasma concentrations of LH in castrated ferrets
J Endocrinol 1988 117: 461-466. [Abstract]  

C Betterle, C Scalici, F Presotto, B Pedini, L Moro, F Rigon, and F Mantero
The natural history of adrenal function in autoimmune patients with adrenal autoantibodies
J Endocrinol 1988 117: 467-475. [Abstract]  

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