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Contents: June 1986, Volume 109, Number 3   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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M van Noort, FF Rommerts, A van Amerongen, and KW Wirtz
Localization and hormonal regulation of the non-specific lipid transfer protein (sterol carrier protein2) in the rat testis
J Endocrinol 1986 109: R13-R16. [Abstract]  

Y Amet, JH Abalain, S di Stefano, JY Daniel, K Tea, HH Floch, and P Robel
Androgen regulation of the androgen receptor of the quail uropygial gland: application of a [3H]mibolerone exchange assay
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 299-306. [Abstract]  

NS Bassett and PD Gluckman
Pulsatile growth hormone secretion in the ovine fetus and neonatal lamb
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 307-312. [Abstract]  

AM Bentley and M Wallis
Effects of two enkephalin analogues, morphine sulphate, dopamine and naloxone on prolactin secretion from rat anterior pituitary glands in vitro
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 313-320. [Abstract]  

Bourke, JR, PA McGrath, GJ Huxham, MJ Waters, and SW Manley
Effect of epidermal growth factor on the membrane potential of cultured porcine thyroid cells
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 321-324. [Abstract]  

KD Brown, DM Blakeley, IR Fleet, M Hamon, and RB Heap
Kinetics of transfer of 125I-labelled epidermal growth factor from blood into mammary secretions of goats
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 325-332. [Abstract]  

JH Butler and PD Gluckman
Circulating insulin-like growth factor-binding proteins in fetal, neonatal and adult sheep
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 333-338. [Abstract]  

JM Connell, CJ Kenyon, SG Ball, DL Davies, and R Fraser
Dopamine effects on adrenocorticotrophin-stimulated aldosterone, cortisol, corticosterone and 11-deoxycorticosteroid concentrations in sodium-replete and sodium-deplete man
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 339-344. [Abstract]  

K Dakshinamurti, CS Paulose, and J Vriend
Hypothyroidism of hypothalamic origin in pyridoxine-deficient rats
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 345-349. [Abstract]  

FW Chu and PJ Hyatt
Purification of dispersed rat adrenal zona glomerulosa cells by Percoll density gradient centrifugation and the isolation of a population of cells highly responsive to adrenocorticotrophin
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 351-358. [Abstract]  

Davis, JR, TC Lynam, JA Franklyn, K Docherty, and MC Sheppard
Tri-iodothyronine and phenytoin reduce prolactin messenger RNA levels in cultured rat pituitary cells
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 359-364. [Abstract]  

Davis, JR and MC Sheppard
A modulatory role for cyclic AMP in the control of thyrotrophin release: studies with forskolin and dibutyryl cyclic AMP
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 365-369. [Abstract]  

JB Hutchison, T Steimer, and P Jaggard
Effects of photoperiod on formation of oestradiol-17 beta in the dove brain
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 371-377. [Abstract]  

VW Lee, NC Kraft, RC Atkins, and HG Burger
Monoclonal antibody to rat ovarian inhibin
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 379-383. [Abstract]  

IY Mahmoud, AE Colas, MJ Woller, and RV Cyrus
Cytoplasmic progesterone receptors in uterine tissue of the snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina)
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 385-392. [Abstract]  

KT O'Byrne, L Eltringham, G Clarke, and AJ Summerlee
Effects of porcine relaxin on oxytocin release from the neurohypophysis in the anaesthetized lactating rat
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 393-397. [Abstract]  

WR Robertson, B Davison, DC Anderson, J Frost, and A Lambert
Effect of adrenocorticotrophin on cortisol and androstenedione secretion from dispersed cells of guinea-pig adrenal zonae fasciculata and reticularis
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 399-404. [Abstract]  

JS Tindal and LA Blake
Central inhibition of oxytocin release in the rabbit: role of the midbrain
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 405-409. [Abstract]  

AM Ultee-van Gessel, FG Leemborg, FH de Jong, and HJ van der Molen
In-vitro secretion of inhibin-like activity by Sertoli cells from normal and prenatally irradiated immature rats
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 411-418. [Abstract]  

A Widmark, JE Damber, and A Bergh
Relationship between human chorionic gonadotrophin-induced changes in testicular microcirculation and the formation of testicular interstitial fluid
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 419-425. [Abstract]  

SJ Winters
Seminiferous tubule androgen receptors in experimental cryptorchidism
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 427-433. [Abstract]  

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