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Contents: May 1986, Volume 109, Number 2   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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MF Knapp, MN Hicks, RJ Linden, and DA Mary
Evidence against ANP as a natriuretic hormone during atrial distension
J Endocrinol 1986 109: R5-R8. [Abstract]  

W von Rechenberg, J Sandow, and P Klatt
Effect of long-term infusion of an LH-releasing hormone agonist on testicular function in bulls
J Endocrinol 1986 109: R9-R11. [Abstract]  

D Faict, P De Moor, R Bouillon, W Heyns, HJ Heiniger, D Corrow, and E Lesaffre
Transcortin and vitamin D-binding protein levels in mouse serum
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 141-147. [Abstract]  

T Higuchi, K Uchide, K Honda, and H Negoro
Oxytocin release during parturition in the pelvic-neurectomized rat
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 149-154. [Abstract]  

JE McIntosh and RP McIntosh
Varying the patterns and concentrations of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone stimulation does not alter the ratio of LH and FSH released from perifused sheep pituitary cells
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 155-161. [Abstract]  

T Noguchi, M Kudo, T Sugisaki, and I Satoh
An immunocytochemical and electron microscopic study of the hyt mouse anterior pituitary gland
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 163-168. [Abstract]  

JN Hugues, A Enjalbert, E Moyse, C Shu, MJ Voirol, J Sebaoun, and J Epelbaum
Differential effects of passive immunization with somatostatin antiserum on adenohypophysial hormone secretions in starved rats
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 169-174. [Abstract]  

GW Kazmer, MA Barnes, RM Akers, and WD Whittier
Lactogenic hormone receptors in mammary membrane preparations from prepartum and 60 and 180 day post-partum Holstein cattle
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 175-180. [Abstract]  

A Klein, AW Chan, and A Malkin
Effect of glucose, NADH and NADPH on cortisol metabolism by mononuclear cells
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 181-185. [Abstract]  

K Kovacs, P Peczely, and Z Szelenyi
Steroid binding to feather follicles in the chicken
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 187-191. [Abstract]  

CA Carrington, ED Rubery, EC Pearson, and CN Hales
Five new insulin-producing cell lines with differing secretory properties
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 193-200. [Abstract]  

NC Sturgess, ML Ashford, CA Carrington, and CN Hales
Single channel recordings of potassium currents in an insulin-secreting cell line
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 201-207. [Abstract]  

Z Kraiem, G Maor, and M Silbermann
Dexamethasone and 8-bromo-cyclic AMP depress the incorporation of [3H]thymidine into mouse condylar cartilage by different pathways
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 209-213. [Abstract]  

ER Kuhn, P Van Osselaer, O Siau, E Decuypere, and A Moreels
Thyroid function in newborn lambs: influence of prolactin and growth hormone
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 215-219. [Abstract]  

H Kurachi and T Oka
Regulation of the level of epidermal growth factor by oestrogen in the submandibular gland of female mice
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 221-225. [Abstract]  

M Mori, I Kobayashi, and S Kobayashi
Thyrotrophin-releasing hormone does not accumulate glycosylated thyrotrophin, but changes heterogeneous forms of thyrotrophin within the rat anterior pituitary gland
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 227-231. [Abstract]  

K Pavelic, D Vrbanec, S Marusic, S Levanat, and T Cabrijan
Autocrine tumour growth regulation by somatomedin C: an in-vitro model
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 233-238. [Abstract]  

I Pollard
Prenatal stress effects over two generations in rats
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 239-244. [Abstract]  

LC Read, L Summer, SM Gale, C George-Nascimento, FJ Ballard, and JC Wallace
Properties of synthetic-gene recombinant human epidermal growth factor: comparison with the natural growth factor from human urine and milk
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 245-250. [Abstract]  

BY Tang and NR Adams
Apparently normal oestrogen receptor system in ovariectomized ewes with impaired response to oestrogen after prolonged grazing on oestrogenic pasture
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 251-255. [Abstract]  

HJ Tetlow and F Broughton Pipkin
Changing renin substrates in human pregnancy
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 257-262. [Abstract]  

G Thordarson, R Villalobos, P Colosi, J Southard, L Ogren, and F Talamantes
Lactogenic response of cultured mouse mammary epithelial cells to mouse placental lactogen
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 263-274. [Abstract]  

GP Vinson, BJ Whitehouse, A Bateman, A Dell, and SM Laird
The actions of N-terminal fragments of corticotrophin on steroidogenesis in dispersed rat adrenal cells in vitro
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 275-278. [Abstract]  

JP Hinson, GP Vinson, BJ Whitehouse, and GM Price
Effects of stimulation on steroid output and perfusion medium flow rate in the isolated perfused rat adrenal gland in situ
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 279-285. [Abstract]  

EV YoungLai
Age-related changes in the concentrations of serum gonadotrophins and cholesterol in the female rabbit
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 287-290. [Abstract]  

M Zanisi, F Celotti, P Ferraboschi, and M Motta
Testosterone metabolites do not participate in the control of hypothalamic LH-releasing hormone
J Endocrinol 1986 109: 291-296. [Abstract]  

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