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Contents: June 1984, Volume 101, Number 3   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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J Biro, P Eneroth, and EM Ritzen
Effects of hysterectomy and in-vivo treatment with uterine extracts on plasma concentrations of growth hormone, thyrotrophin and thyroid hormones in rats: a kinetic study
J Endocrinol 1984 101: 243-248. [Abstract]  

PR Flatt, CJ Bailey, P Kwasowski, T Page, and V Marks
Plasma immunoreactive gastric inhibitory polypeptide in obese hyperglycaemic (ob/ob) mice
J Endocrinol 1984 101: 249-256. [Abstract]  

R Vassilopoulou-Sellin, LS Phillips, CO Oyedeji, and NA Samaan
Metabolic regulation of somatomedin activity in rat liver
J Endocrinol 1984 101: 257-261. [Abstract]  

RN Call and PA Janssens
Hypertrophied adrenocortical tissue of the Australian brush-tailed possum (Trichosurus vulpecula): uniformity during reproduction
J Endocrinol 1984 101: 263-267. [Abstract]  

SP Bidey, L Chiovato, A Day, M Turmaine, RP Gould, RP Ekins, and NJ Marshall
Evaluation of the rat thyroid cell strain FRTL-5 as an in-vitro bioassay system for thyrotrophin
J Endocrinol 1984 101: 269-276. [Abstract]  

KT Rodrigues and JP Sumpter
Effects of background adaptation on the pituitary and plasma concentrations of some pro-opiomelanocortin-related peptides in the rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri)
J Endocrinol 1984 101: 277-284. [Abstract]  

F Miyauchi, H Kato, H Yamashita, K Ueda, H Tamura, T Mano, and T Torigoe
A quantitative relationship between conceptus number and ovarian steroid dehydrogenase activity in pregnant rats
J Endocrinol 1984 101: 285-288. [Abstract]  

F Garza, MA Shaban, and PF Terranova
Luteinizing hormone increases the number of ova shed in the cyclic hamster and guinea-pig
J Endocrinol 1984 101: 289-298. [Abstract]  

SC Wilson, RC Jennings, and FJ Cunningham
Developmental changes in the diurnal rhythm of secretion of corticosterone and LH in the domestic hen
J Endocrinol 1984 101: 299-304. [Abstract]  

VV Patwardhan and A Lanthier
Cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase and guanylate cyclase activities in rabbit ovaries and the effect of in-vivo stimulation with LH
J Endocrinol 1984 101: 305-310. [Abstract]  

R Stolp, RJ Croughs, and A Rijnberk
Results of cyproheptadine treatment in dogs with pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism
J Endocrinol 1984 101: 311-314. [Abstract]  

GT Waites and SC Bell
Regulation of murine alpha 1-pregnancy-associated protein by gonadal steroids during the acute-phase response
J Endocrinol 1984 101: 315-318. [Abstract]  

JE Merritt and BL Brown
An investigation of the involvement of calcium in the control of prolactin secretion: studies with low calcium, methoxyverapamil, cobalt and manganese
J Endocrinol 1984 101: 319-325. [Abstract]  

MC Richardson, GM Masson, and MR Sairam
Inhibitory action of chemically deglycosylated human chorionic gonadotrophin on hormone-induced steroid production by dispersed cells from human corpus luteum
J Endocrinol 1984 101: 327-332. [Abstract]  

N Wongsurawat, HJ Armbrecht, TV Zenser, LR Forte, and BB Davis
Effects of hypophysectomy and growth hormone treatment on renal hydroxylation of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol in rats
J Endocrinol 1984 101: 333-338. [Abstract]  

JP Dupouy and A Chatelain
In-vitro effects of corticosterone, synthetic ovine corticotrophin releasing factor and arginine vasopressin on the release of adrenocorticotrophin by fetal rat pituitary glands
J Endocrinol 1984 101: 339-344. [Abstract]  

RE Coupland, A Tomlinson, J Crowe, and DN Brindley
Effects of hypophysectomy and metyrapone on the catecholamine content and volumes of adrenaline- and noradrenaline-storing cells in the rat adrenal medulla
J Endocrinol 1984 101: 345-352. [Abstract]  

EL Bolwerk and HH Swanson
Does oxytocin play a role in the onset of maternal behaviour in the rat?
J Endocrinol 1984 101: 353-357. [Abstract]  

GS Bilaspuri and SS Guraya
Histochemical studies on steroid dehydrogenases in the testis of the goat (Capra hircus)
J Endocrinol 1984 101: 359-363. [Abstract]  

BJ McLeod and W Haresign
Plasma LH concentrations in the ewe in response to repeated injections of low doses of gonadotrophin releasing hormone during the follicular phase of the oestrous cycle
J Endocrinol 1984 101: 365-370. [Abstract]  

GR Foxcroft, F Elsaesser, K Stickney, NB Haynes, and HL Back
Ovarian oestrogen-dependent maturation of the LH/FSH surge mechanism during prepubertal development in the gilt
J Endocrinol 1984 101: 371-380. [Abstract]  

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