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Contents: May 1984, Volume 101, Number 2   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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GJ Boer and J Kruisbrink
Effects of continuous administration of oxytocin by an accurel device on parturition in the rat and on development and diuresis in the offspring
J Endocrinol 1984 101: 121-129. [Abstract]  

CD Nancarrow, PJ Connell, and D Stevens
Relationship between glucose and 20 alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in fetal sheep erythrocytes
J Endocrinol 1984 101: 131-139. [Abstract]  

A Shainberg, H Brik, R Bar-Shavit, and SR Sampson
Inhibition of acetylcholine receptor synthesis by thyroid hormones
J Endocrinol 1984 101: 141-147. [Abstract]  

J Grinblat and A Klein
Diminished lymphocytic cortisol metabolism-enhancing effect in endogenous thyrotoxicosis
J Endocrinol 1984 101: 149-153. [Abstract]  

KM Kendrick and AF Dixson
Ovariectomy does not abolish proceptive behaviour cyclicity in the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus)
J Endocrinol 1984 101: 155-162. [Abstract]  

MC Richardson, MR Hirji, AD Thompson, and GM Masson
Effects of a long-acting analogue of LH releasing hormone on human and rat corpora lutea
J Endocrinol 1984 101: 163-168. [Abstract]  

MI Fekete, B Kanyicska, T Szentendrei, A Simonyi, and E Stark
Decrease of morphine-induced prolactin release by a procedure causing prolonged stress
J Endocrinol 1984 101: 169-172. [Abstract]  

AF Bagshaw, KD Bhoola, MJ Lemon, and JT Whicher
Development and characterization of a radioimmunoassay to measure human tissue kallikrein in biological fluids
J Endocrinol 1984 101: 173-179. [Abstract]  

RC Bonney, MJ Scanlon, DL Jones, MJ Reed, and VH James
Adrenal androgen concentrations in endometrium and plasma during the menstrual cycle
J Endocrinol 1984 101: 181-188. [Abstract]  

N Takasu, Y Handa, Y Shimizu, and T Yamada
Electrophysiological and morphological cell polarity and iodine metabolism in cultured porcine and human (normal and Graves') thyroid cells
J Endocrinol 1984 101: 189-196. [Abstract]  

JA Burdman, MT Calabrese, MI Romano, VC Carricarte, and RM MacLeod
Effect of ovariectomy and clomiphene on the in-vitro incorporation of [3H]thymidine into pituitary DNA and on prolactin synthesis and release in rats
J Endocrinol 1984 101: 197-201. [Abstract]  

HJ Stewart and GE Thompson
Adrenocorticotrophic hormone stimulation of mammary secretion in lactating goats independent of increased mammary uptake of glucose
J Endocrinol 1984 101: 203-211. [Abstract]  

AS McNeilly, HM Fraser, and DT Baird
Effect of immunoneutralization of LH releasing hormone on LH, FSH and ovarian steroid secretion in the preovulatory phase of the oestrous cycle in the ewe
J Endocrinol 1984 101: 213-219. [Abstract]  

RB Heap, M Hamon, and IR Fleet
Transport of oestrone sulphate by the mammary gland in the goat
J Endocrinol 1984 101: 221-230. [Abstract]  

MB Renfree, AP Flint, SW Green, and RB Heap
Ovarian steroid metabolism and oestrogens in the corpus luteum of the tammar wallaby
J Endocrinol 1984 101: 231-240. [Abstract]  

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