Figure 2
Different HS structures support different biological activities. (A) Heparan sulphate that has different cell- and tissue-specific
structures (denoted schematically by red, yellow and green bars) with binding domains for different growth factors. Here,
green represents structures that are capable of binding to both FGF and FGFR, thus supporting ligand-induced dimer formation
and consequent signalling in the FGFR complexes. Yellow structures cannot bind to FGF or FGFR, but are capable of binding
to PDGF and regulating its activity. Red structures can bind to FGF, but cannot support subsequent binding to FGFR. (B) Heparan
sulphate that lacks the required structures (green) cannot support FGF signalling through FGFR, although the presence of other
structures (red) still allows it to bind to FGF without supporting its activity. Other structures (yellow) may bind and regulate
PDGF, mediating alternative signal pathway.